Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are you a proud Baby wearin' Mama?

Okay, so not everyone wants to wear their baby, but it seems like it is the fashionable thing to do these days. Everyone I know has at least one carrier, but everyone argues about which is the best. I personally have a Baby Bjorn from when my son was a baby... and with my little girl we bought a Moby Wrap. I love them both for different situations. One carrier that came up over and over in conversation was the Ergo Carrier.

I loved the versatility of the product. Wear it on your front, back, hip etc. The other thing that really appeals to me is the weight range. With the newborn insert, a new baby can be carried as well as a toddler.

When my son was just over a year old he became very sick. It ended up involving 2 trips to the ER, several office visits, a change of pediatrician, an internist visit as well as food and drink issues for over 3 months straight. I was delirious from lack of sleep and all my little boy wanted was to be held. Thank goodness for baby carriers! Even though he was no longer a baby, I still got a lot of use out of my carrier.

The Ergo Carrier has received high reviews from all my friends, but the price was a little out of my range. I wouldn't have hesitated if it was our only baby carrier, but this time around it was a big expense. If I had a "do over" would I get one of these? Absolutely! I think it could easily take the place of the 2 that I have now.

Good News! One of my favorite blogs, the Fabulous won is currently running a giveaway for one of these fabulous carriers. (Her blog seemed destined to host this one for that "fabu" reason!)

So, go and sign up for the Ergo Carrier Giveaway today, and while you are there check out her blog and enter her other great giveaways. Good luck! (... just not too much, I want this carrier for my new little girl.)

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