Wednesday, November 30, 2011

3rd Times the Charm?

Okay, after having two kiddos my husband and I were ready to call it quits. He had all the reasons in the world for a family of 4... parents only have two arms, there are two of us, etc. The truth was there was a nagging feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Was my family complete? Was I going to regret not having one more child?

I have talked to many of our friends and most of them clearly fall on one side of the fence or the other, either they want to have more children or they don't. Each side seemed adamant about their decision. Okay, am I the only with doubts?

Probably not.

But maybe no one else wants to voice their questions and uncertainty publicly.

With new babies coming into our circle of friends I would have that little twinge. You know what I mean ladies? Yeah, it is the gentle sigh of my uterus. Yup.

Of course the desire does not make all things possible, so I finally got up the courage to bring the subject up to my husband. Let's just say I didn't think things would end well.

I made my case, blurting it all out without ever making eye-contact. I was braced for the eye-roll, the groan or complete shutdown. I knew his mind was made up.

...or so I thought.

So the discussion is open, the plans are being made. Oh, my! I have so much to do. Being a third time around so many baby and nursery items are either worn out or were given away. I will be making a list and preparing for another baby.

To do it all over, what do I want? Good nursery furniture is high on my list. I want to find pieces that will function well and grow with the child. The Storkcraft Custom Hoop Glider and Ottoman from  would make those late night nursing marathons or rocking to sleep much more enjoyable. This mama knows what worked in the past, and what I wished I had. The 3rd time is definitely going to be a charm for our family.

I want to know, what would you get if you were to do it all over again? Any must have item you would recommend?
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1 comment:

  1. After my daughter was born, we decided we were done, this was in 2005, we sold everything as she outgrew it, and we were happy. Then in 2007, I was at my dr's office for my yearly check up and he told me I was pregnant. I stopped on the way home for a home test just to make sure and then threw it at my husband and said "look what you have done!!!" A few days later when we were threatened with a miscarriage, I realized how much I loved this little bean already and started to get excited. Our 3rd was born in Feb. 2008 and our family feels complete now!
    Oh, and since we got rid of everything, we had to start all over and buy it all new again. But, that time around I knew what to buy!



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