Friday, January 20, 2012

Little House on My Mind #BlogDare

I am a voracious reader.

Okay, scratch that. I was a voracious reader. Now I am a Mother.

Most of my reading time now consists of "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" and "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". But I can't really complain. I am excited to ignite the spark of a young reader in both my little ones. My son took almost 2 years before he would sit and listen to a story at night, but now he won't sleep without one.

Out of all the great books I have read so far, the series that made the biggest impression on my life were the Little House on the Prairie books.

I read Little House in the Big Woods many times growing up. I read Little House on the Prairie more often, but the first few books were always my favorites. I could imagine being Laura. The hard work, home made food and maple sugar treats in the snow have stayed with me for years. I think my desire to learn how to make our own food from basic whole ingredients comes from these stories.

Birthday cakes weren't about the frosting or decorations, they were made from carefully collected eggs, saved sugar and store-bought flour. The process of baking on the wood stove was a feat in itself. Food was a struggle, a celebration and a blessing.

I also remember reading about the special rag dolls created from scraps. Loved more than any plastic doll I have heard of. For this reason a doll template and muslin sit on my craft table. I want my daughter to have a special doll made by Mother.

Today I live on a farm raising my family with homemade meals and baking as much love into every bite as I can. I am sure that some of my enthusiasm to jump into domesticity comes from my childhood fantasies surrounding the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder. My life is much easier than hers in the books, but I still strive for simplicity and appreciation for my everyday life.

Sometimes we are touched when we least expect it and books can stay with us for years. So what book has changed your life?
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are speaking my language here. I loved the Little House books, and I'm sure they're what started my love of reading. I was the only little girl in school who knew what a corset was!


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