Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hungry for a BLT.... I mean, BBT!

So, what was for dinner last night? Well, BBT in pasta form! We just received some fresh butchered pork.... notice anything different about this bacon? It looks and smells very different from the average supermarket fare...

This stuff actually resembles bacon! And, yum...

My garden is overflowing with tomatoes of all shapes and sizes right now... and my basil is still going strong. So the B (acon) B (asil) T (omato) pasta was born. To the mix I threw in some capers - just love those salty and tart little guys! Also a few olives and lots of garlic, of course. Add a glug or two of olive oil and a bit of pasta water, toss and enjoy.

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  1. MMmm looks delish! Can't wait to follow along in all your cooking adventures!

    Check out my blog @

  2. Oh yum! That looks wonderful! And so does the tomato salad. I'm so bummed I do not have enough light in my wooded yard for veggies. We tried a hanging cherry tomato plant and have gotten...maybe 5 cherry tomatoes - all of which my daughter ate...greedy little veggie hog :)


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