Monday, February 1, 2010

30 Days of Change! Start

There was a fun challenge started over at Resourceful Mommy to get all of us to make positive chanes in our lives. As I mentioned in an earlier post, life has handed us some possible opportunities recently and they would really shake things up for our family. But, it would be good change and we need it. In honor of that... and to get myself braced for even bigger changes to come... I am joining in on this 30 day challenge.


I think the most exciting part is that we don't know what the challenge will be! But, the first one is up and it is fabulous. It focuses on the parenting sin of "no". Now, there is a place and time for no, but I for one am amazed how often it just flies from my mouth. ...and I am embarrassed to admit that it is often heard at a rather high decibel. So, today my challenge is to keep "no" to a minimum. I have a toddler right in his "terrible twos" so this will be a real challenge. But, I know my son is definitely worth the work.

So, wish me luck... and would you like to join in? Just head over to Resourceful Mommy & sign onto her Linky. The rest is up to you. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone does! Any tips or tricks for keeping to today's challenge?
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1 comment:

  1. That's a really cool challenge...Have you ever read Loving your kids on purpose? its by Danny's a discipline book. Really good! I loved it!

    Stopped by from FF!


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