Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Farewell to Summer...

...and a reminder why, though a whole year away, Summer is great and we will miss it dearly. Today we are looking forward to fall... the colors, spices and smells of the harvest season.

This Summer, my son deepened his love of swimming and thanks to Puddle Jumpers, he was able to explore movement on his own.

This Summer baby girl learned to walk... and then she took off! So much to do, explore and learn about. This Summer was the beginning of her independence.

This season we went to camp and my son tried many new foods. Maybe his favorite was cotton candy goodness. Can you blame him?

Thank you Summer! Thanks for all the great memories, sunshine and deep sleep at night. We can't wait till you re-emerge next year.


  1. I love summer and will sorely miss it!! I am however excited about all of our upcoming Fall activities!! =)

  2. I love your photos! I love the greens too and yes summer while it was hot and miserable, will be missed because the daylight is now shorter...

    Glad you enjoyed it!


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