Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Alive! - Fermentation in my Kitchen

I have always loved Sauerkraut... but, have never attempted it. It has been on my short list for the past year, but honestly was a bit intimidated by it. Finally I took the plunge...
 I found food grade buckets and we searched high and low for a cheap plate (thank you Walmart)... the problem was, did you know buckets taper inside? That helps them to stack. So the plate I carefully found only fit down about half way. Grrr...

I was left with a bunch of shredded cabbage and no home, so my DH gifted me with a beautiful pickling crock.

Isn't that pretty? Okay, so the salted cabbage was relocated here and a new plate was found that actually fit this time. A water jug goes on top to add pressure. I think I will replace it with a good clean rock or two soon. Most books and online resources talked about their sauerkraut rock. Lol. I am on the look out!

Almost like magic, after the first day, enough water was released from the cabbage to cover it. I didn't need to add any more brine. I have been scalding my cloth every day to keep it free from air born gunk. So far, so good. Now I am just waiting and keeping an eye on it. After another week I should be ready to can it and test it out. Wish me luck!

I found all sorts of other fabulous projects listed in Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz. I would love to try the kimchi... and the tempeh was really enticing. If you have a "fermentation fetish" be sure to check out his book.


  1. I'm're insane :) KiChee YUCK...smelled it in college. I lived a summer in close proximity to the Korean exchange students...just smelling it makes your stomach roll and turn...and that not counting trying to eat with it acutally in the vacinity...Sauerkraut is GOOD, especially PA Dutch style its very sour and has pucker no and no...YUCK!!

  2. I am currently making all sorts of baked goods with my sourdough starter. Sauerkraut is next on my list to try. Good luck with yours. I hope it turns out great for you!


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