Monday, November 29, 2010

Book Review - Adopted Ed by Darren Maddern

Sometimes finding the perfect gift for a child is as simple as finding not what they want, but what they need. Some of the best gifts I ever received were things I didn't know I would use. This book is a perfect example of that. If you know a child in your life who is adopted, this would make a lovely gift to remind them about acceptance, understanding and empowerment.

November 20th was National Adoption Day, and in honor of that, with the help of the One2One Network, I want to spread the word about this cute, informational children's book. The summer before 3rd grade, my parents told me that my father adopted me. I remember being upset, surprised and ashamed of the discovery. Even though I still was with my birth Mother and she had remarried shortly after I was born, I can understand some feelings adopted children have. This would have been a great story for me when my parents told me.

The story is about Ed, a little boy learning that he was adopted and also learning how to deal with being different. In fact, with the help of his loving adoptive parents, Ed learns to celebrate it. "I'm adopted. I'm special!" He proclaims.  It closes with a listing of famous adopted people. The straight forward and simple rhymes can be enjoyed by children age 9-12.  The graphics are simple and cute, but the message about tolerance and personal acceptance are clear.

The author, Darren Maddern, was himself adopted and told about it at a young age. He eventually tracked down his biological parents as an adult and has helped many other adoptees as well as adopting parents. This is his first book, with a second titled Tall Moll, a story about growth spurts, due out early 2011.

Buy It on Amazon

Gift this to a special and loved adoptee this year for Christmas. Let them know they are wanted and loved.

*Disclaimer - I was sent a courtesy copy of Adopted Ed and am part of the One2One Network campaign to review the book. I was entered into a drawing for a $25 Gift Card. All opinions are my own.

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