Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Have You Heard Of "Transient Synovitis"?

There is nothing worse as a Mother than not being able to help my child. I have many giveaways and reviews to post here, plus winners to draw, but my life slowed down when my son started acting odd.

My 3 year old can run around and jump all day! He oozes extra energy and always has a smile on his face. Last week he stated limping... on Thanksgiving he had started to pull his knee up and not walk. Today was day 6 of him not walking. Due to the holiday and the weekend, this was the first real chance we had to take my son to the pediatrician. She believes he has Transient Synovitis. Never heard of it? Neither had I.

As you can see, it has been a painful condition for my son. He hasn't slept well because of the pain, and I hated seeing him crawl or just sit because his hip hurt.

So what is it? According to Google Health,

"Toxic synovitis is a condition affecting children that causes hip pain and limping." Or in my son's case it kept him from being mobil. It usually hits children before puberty and is much more common in boys than girls. The child will not appear sick, but will have some distinct symptoms.
Symptoms may include:
  • Hip pain (on one side only)
  • Limp
  • Thigh pain, in front and toward the middle of the thigh
  • Knee pain
  • Low-grade fever, less than 101° Fahrenheit
The good news is it doesn't cause lasting damage, doesn't require therapy and will go away on it's own within 7-10 days. After ruling out a septic hip or an injury to the growth plate, we now wait.

Today my son moved around more than he has been. I can't wait till the stiff leg and limp go away fully. I am constantly amazed with how wonderful our bodies our and how much can go wrong. Though, I am thankful this wasn't as bad as I had feared.

1 comment:

  1. My youngest went through that too! Around that age as well. He's now 5 and totally fine. It only lasted a few days, about a week...long enough to scare the crap out of us too.

    I had never heard of it either, but that's exactly what our pediatrician said it was too. Weird, isn't it?

    The pain should go away soon and he'll be back to his normal self. And chances are he'll be fine (at least my son is). I have 6 kids and he was the only one who went through it. I can tell you that my older boys went through growth spurts later (think early teens) where their legs and knees would hurt them really bad.

    Hopefully your little guy will be running circles around you again really soon :)


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