Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm Feeling Hoppy! Hop-Along With Me.

military monday blog hop

Today I was feeling the need to hop... and low and behold April at Marine Parents is starting her own blog hop. Because I love making new friends and finding new blogs I am joining in this week.

...And who am I? I am a SAHM with two beautiful kiddos. They happen to have PKU, so cooking went from my love to my passion almost overnight! We try to cook from scratch around here and enjoy all the goodies from the farm. Here you will see updates on my little weeds (little man and little girl), my garden, our food adventures as well as product reviews and giveaways. Oh, yeah... and some musings from me.  I currently have 2 great giveaways posted,

with many more giveaways, reviews & recipes to be posted! Are you ready to share in my adventure?


  1. I found your blog on the Military Blog hop and look forward to following along and hope you may wish to do the same! I am mum to three littles and we're adopting twins from Ethiopia so I always have plenty to blog about :)

  2. thanks for linking up with the Military Monday blog hop! i'm happy to follow your blog back, see you next week!


  3. I found your blog through the Military Blog Hop. I'm your newest follower!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!