Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Top 10 for Runway Hottie to Everyday SAHM

Just chilin' here at Starbucks with my Louis Vuitton resting by my cute little netbook, as I tap my perfectly manicured fingers on the keys...

 Oh, who am I kidding? I am a SAHM. I wear Uggs, not Jimmy Choos, and instead of Versace I hit Anne Taylor's Loft. So, what do I know about fashion? Well, everything I have soaked up - little sponge I am. Also throw in a few seasons of Project Runway, a myriad of fashion mags and way too much star gazing online. I definitely know what works as a SAHM, and think that I have the skills to bring the hottest runway trends down to my everyday homemaking fabulousness! So, want to test your diva-liciousness?

1. Know your Budget. I don't work outside the home. We have a single income stretched between 4 people, so dropping a few hundred on a pair of shoes is out of the question. But depending on how you budget, you might be able to put money away for a bigger purchase. If you are really eying a fabulous pair of killer heels, get a pair that will last multiple seasons. That will make the price tag, regardless of your budget, not sting so much. In this case, the gladiator sandal might not be the best idea. If you spend $200 on those, will you really be able to use them again in 2 years?

2. Get the Spirit of the Fashion. Every year there is a general theme... whether there is a running thread of Bali Chic, or Western, or Long skirts and tweed. Try to capture the essence of that look and find affordable pieces to compliment your wardrobe. Since the military style coat is again making a comeback, I can plan on finding the right own for me within my budget.

3. Use Color Wisely. Color can make or break a look. I try to stock my closet with some basic staples, neutral and flattering colors...*ahem* black ... and then accent with whatever color or patterns are dotting the magazines. I love trends like scarves because they are affordable and easy to use.

4. Shop Wisely, Grasshopper. Okay, in my neighborhood they might be called thrift stores or second hand, but stars shop at vintage shops. The clothing is still used! Ha. Now, the quality of items varies widely depending on the area. If you are looking for some really great bargains, do a bit of shopping while you are on vacation in a bigger city. Go to a higher end part of town and see what people are cleaning out of their closets.

5. Bling it Up! Jewelry can be a simple and easy way to go along with runway fashionistas. Take a peak at what they are wearing and look for simple and easy alternatives available in your area. You don't have to go all diamond crazy, but you might find similar necklaces in a teeny bopper shop.

6. Raid Mom's Closet. No joke. Since fashions seem to come back around every 30 years, you might find some of the best finds with older friends or relatives. I guess you could call some of this stuff vintage! Also be sure to put good pieces you own in the attic in case a trend swings back around. But, no hammer pants. I don't think anyone will ever find those attractive again! If you don't have a relative you can raid, try a garage sale. It is practically the same thing.

7. Top it Off. Hats can be such a fun and distinctive way to follow the fashion trends. I just loved the fedora fad. I am also a sucker for a wide brimmed Southern-style hat for days at the beach or just  lounging outside. Pay attention to the head trends as well as dresses in magazines. Hats are often more affordable options and really go a long way to completing a look.

8. Organize Your Closet. If you keep a good inventory on what you already own, you won't be as likely to re-buy basic items. This should help free up more money for one good key piece to follow each trend. You might be surprised at what is already lurking in there.

9. Follow Your Shape. We are all built differently. Unfortunately what works on one model might be all wrong for my hippy hips. So if short jackets are all the rage... and I don't want to call attention to my post-2-c-section mid-section... I would go for a slightly longer coat with a more covering cut. Above the hips, but not mid-chest. So be sure to pick and choose what will actually flatter your body.

10. Be true to You. I love fashion. ...most of the time. But, ultimately I have to wear things that fit my lifestyle and personality. Luckily with rapidly changing trends it doesn't take too long for a great look to come around. If you enjoy your 60's style full skirt with a bomber jacket, I say, go for it. Who knows, you might start your own trend!

I love stores such as Sears for making fashions affordable for even me. They are also currently working on a promotion called, Runway to Washer Sweepstakes, celebrating the Kenmore Elite Top-Load High Efficiency Washer/Dryer which custom-blends six different wash motions to ensure the right cleaning and care for your favorite clothes. This way you can take care of all your hard work putting together your fashions! Enter their sweepstakes where Grand prize includes a Kenmore washer and dryer, a year’s supply of Tide®, and a trip for two to NYC with seats at Thakoon’s show where you’ll meet the designer, and receive items from his collection. Fabulous, right? Well, go enter and good luck.

More info:

Twitter: @mysears


As always folks, I love comments! Let me know if you have any other good tips to take runway fashion to this SAHM's closet. Commenting will earn you a bonus entry into any of my current giveaways.

*Disclaimer- I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Kenmore blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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