Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Salute Our Nation's Troops with CardsDirect

tx sized christmas Help Send A Texas Sized Greeting To The Troops 
this Holiday...

CardsDirect  is holding a special holiday event right now, they are going to put together a Texas Sized Holiday Card for our Troops. I think this is such a neat idea! They are asking for our help to spread the word and get people to submit messages and signatures online to decorate it. Participating is easy and free. To help them collect their goal of 10,000 signatures, go here. They will be printed on a huge holiday card that will be presented to the troops in December.

I do not currently have any family members or friends overseas, but I do feel strongly about supporting the men and women currently serving our country so nobly. When I lived abroad I missed friends and family, and can only imagine how hard it is for service men and women to be separated from their loved ones this holiday season. I already went over and left my message, now it is your turn.

Join me and CardsDirect in saluting our holiday heroes & add your message today.

*Disclaimer - I received no compensation, product or monetary for this post. This is just a press release posting. All opinions are mine alone.

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