Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Giveaways on Other Blogs! - Still Time For Christmas

There are still some great giveaways to mention as the holidays draw closer. A little of this, and a little of that... but, here is the best of the best I have compiled.

First off, Head over to The Mommy-Files

I just love Nestle products and would love to win this prize pack, complete with coupons and a $25 Visa Gift Card. I would use these to help make our New Year's treats. What would you do? ENTER HERE. This giveaway ends 12/17.

Then head over to the Not-So-Blog's Experimental Mommy

She has a great giveaway for all the weight conscious mommies like myself. She is giveaway a Mama Wants Her Body Back™  DVD set. Wow, right? I know this mom wants it back. What about you? ENTER HERE. This giveaway ends tonight at 11:59 CST. So hurry!

And for another great giveaway to give yourself this holiday season, Check out The Life of Rylie & Bryce, too!

One of my great wishes, since I have small children, is to have my own pair of footed pajamas! I even tried buying a pair at Target last year... only to discover that it was a YM size and too short for me. Grrr... Our floors in this house are cold and these would be perfect for making breakfast early in the morning, or blogging late into the night. I would choose the monkey ninja set! For a chance to win your own pair, ENTER HERE. This giveaway ends 12/24.

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