Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mamavation Monday... Let it Snow!

Okay, so the scale hasn't moved. Bah. I am not going to dwell on it right now. I just want to keep my forward momentum. I have faith the scale will follow.

Last week was a crazy one. I did work on my water intake, though I have farther to go. The big bump in my game plan was my son's mystery ailment. He went from limping last Wednesday, to not walking and a trip in for a doctor visit on Monday. So, besides the turkey temptations on my plate, I had to navigate an unhappy little boy in pain, the sleepless nights and "Mom worry". You know, the kind of worry that takes over your every thought and really takes on a life of it's own. So was I thinking about exercise? No. Was I thinking about taking care of myself? No, again. Luckily we did figure out my son had Transient Sinovitis, and it naturally goes away in about 10 days. That doesn't help me to gain those hours of sleep back, though. Add to this one busted water heater... and my stress was through the roof! My self control was pretty weak, and my motivation was non existent. But I am determined to move on.

I am happy to report that snow has blessed our little state, and though it is not down here in the valley, Sunday we were able to get up to the mountains for my son's first skiing lesson. Little man is 3, and REALLY excited about all his shiny new gear and the chance to hit the bunny slope. How did it go? Well, better than I had expected. It was a fabulous chance for us to get outside and moving as a family.

Even my little girl enjoyed her sled ride. Just hauling the two kiddos around gave me quite a walking and lifting workout. Now I am even more determined to get into shape. I worry that my son will be flying past me down the slopes in no time. I have decided that this requires a little mix up in my exercise routine. Definitely more squats and lunges are in order. I also need to work on my balance and core... so, this week I will start Pilates back up.

Now for food... I wasn't an angel this week. But, this is a new week and a new chance to get back into a rhythm. I will be starting a fresh and whole challenge this week. I want there to be a focus on the fresh in season veg as well as the myriad of grains in my pantry. From brown rice to quinoa and various other grains, I want to try out some new recipes and include one of these in every dinner. So, stay tuned for a week of glorious and healthy recipes!

Okay, so I am ready to link up this post and start commented on all the other great posts. Keep in mind:
MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by @EarthFootwear. One winner of the carnival will win a pair of Earth Footwear. Check out for more info on the carnival and how to become part of the Sistahood.

Okay ladies, wish me luck this week. My goal is to lose at least 2 lbs by the end of the year. I think as long as the snow continues to fall in the mountains, I will be able to reach that goal and have fun getting outside with my young family. So, let it snow!


  1. It is so hard to focus on mommy time with sick kiddos. I am thankful your son just has something that will go away, but that is still scary. You are right it is a new week and now is the time to start fresh like the snow you just barely got. I've been swimming in it for a month now, haha. Good Luck this week with your goals.

  2. I know all too well about Mommy worry. I believe that is why I gained weight AFTER I had my son. He had some medical problems, and working out and eating healthy were just not on my radar.
    I hope your son's problem gets better! I have never heard of that.
    I also hope this coming week is less stressful for you all around!

  3. first i want to thank you for commenting on my post and welcoming me back into the sistahood.

    2 lbs is a great goal, you can do it.

    hope your little guy is ok!!
    see you tonight at the show

  4. Wow that is so scary!! I'm glad he's okay. It's great that with all of that stress, your body maintained!

    And, so cool about the ski day. You were active as a family and having fun while being active. Key!

    Good luck with your goal!

  5. This week is another week - look forward and move on, you can do it!
    Have a great week!

  6. so glad that you discovered what was behind your son's mystery ailment!

    I'm always amazed at kiddos skiing. Mine have been skiing since they were 5/7. We go every other year and they ski right along with the rest of us... of course mommy is a big wimp so we only stick to greens anyway! It's such a great experience for kids and talk about a TOTAL BODY WORKOUT!

    You are going to do fantastic with your goals!

  7. i misplaced my pedometer but i know i did spend around 2-3 hours in the stores its amazing how the time goes by so fast. good luck with your goal i know you can do it, you have the rest of the month to reach it. have fun with pilates and be careful in the snow and possible icy weather

  8. Water intake might help you weight goal. I love the skiing. I am not sure my 3 yo would know how to handle the ski, but it is a great idea. And guess what, sista, you didn't gain - that's huge with the holidays and everything that is going with you (and that includes stress) XOXO

  9. I get extra stressed by mommy worry sometimes too. Glad you are enjoying the snow. Cute photo. I would not mind if the snow held off a bit longer in my area.


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