Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pet Bloggers - Enter to Win a GC

Sometimes I come across opportunities on other blogs I want to share with you. If you are a pet owner, and blogger, this is a great opportunity for you! 
Have you heard of Pet Food Talk 
 They list info about different pet food brands, monitor FDA recalls and other general info about different food choices.
This weekend they will be holding a drawing for a Gift Certificate to either PetCo, Petsmart, or a Visa Gift Card. If they have at least 5 blogs participating and posting a link to their Dog Food Blog, , they will hold the drawing on Saturday.

I took a peek at the site and thought they had some good general information about dog food. I looked up the brand of dog food I feed our pup and saw they listed things like past recalls, consumer complaints and company information. Seems like good info to know before you buy.

Anyone else have any experience with this site? If you enter their giveaway, good luck!

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