Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winners! Lucky Duckies of the Day.

There have been a few giveaways to close here over the past week... I think it might be easier if I post winners on Fridays, that should save people from worrying they might have missed an email or post. But, both the Holiday Pet Hop for blanket ID tags ended as well as the CardsDirect $50 e-Gift Card.

There were several winners from the blanketID giveaway. Remember, the blog entries were combined. 2 winners were from my blog:

From Oskar’s Blog The winner is:
 Cat Chat Caren
From the Blog Adventures in Food Winner  #18
Erin Lenore said...
    follow your blog
    November 19, 2010 5:52 PM

From the Blog Two Little Cavaliers Winner # 70
Hound Girl said... 70
    following you on twitter: @houndgirlblog

From the Blogs Two Little Cavaliers and Adventures in Food combined
Erin said... 87

Combined Winners:

Annette D said... 115

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 142
    I follow you on GFC publicly.

cstironkat said...  206

The CardsDirect winner was
 Rachel said...
tweet 2:!/rachelhooey/status/8559753118617601

All winners have been contacted and have claimed their prizes. Congrats to you all. Don't forget to enter my other giveaways; a gift card,  Tropical Traditions bleach, Coobie Bra, and just added today the Butter Bell Crock giveaway. Good luck everyone!

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