Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aloha Friday #45

Welcome to Friday Everyone! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. I feel like I am experiencing the calm before the storm of the holiday. Let's sit back, relax and enjoy a little blog hop. No heavy mental lifting today... just one simple little question...

When do (or did you) take down your holiday decorations?

Tonight we finally got around to it. Now, mind you, we put them up mid December, so the tree had not really started dropping it's needles. I kinda enjoyed the lighted tree at night as I blogged. Christmas seems to have so much build-up-to, but no time to come back down to regular day-to-day-life. So, I guess a week into January was the time I needed to de-compress. How about your family? Is everything already packed away for next year?

If you are looking for more Aloha Friday fun, go to An Island Life and check out the other posts on the Linky. Have a great weekend!


  1. Ha! Great minds think alike! We took ours down over a week ago... :( We usually leave then up longer but couldn't this year.

  2. We take ours down on New Years Day every year. Since we put them up the day after Thanksgiving, we are all ready for a change by then.

  3. This past weekend, they were driving me crazy and I wanted to shampoo the carpet this week - done and done. The tradition is to take down the decorations by January 6 (Epiphany).

  4. Each year seems to be different when I take the decorations down - usually if I've been on the ball and had them up over Thanksgiving weekend, I'm ready to have my house back by New Year weekend. This year I was late putting the decorations up, so while I took all the other decorations down earlier this week, the tree (sans decorations) is still up, per Princess Nagger's request. It will probably be put away this weekend, though, so I can have my living room back! ;)

    Aloha: Pets

  5. I took ours down a couple days after Christmas so we could put up our new TV and entertainment center

  6. I started taking one or two things at a time to the basement last week. And, the tree was taken down this week once the kids went back to school. Christmas seems like a distant memory now! CRAZY

  7. Did it on New Years day this year.

    Have a great day!

  8. we normally leave it up till Jan 3rd..
    but with my son trying to redecorate the house...
    they came down the day after Christmas (we only did a tree this year, but he wanted to place ornaments all over the house since they had pictures in them)

  9. I took them down Tuesday this week.

    Happy weekend to you :)

  10. My decorations are down but our artificial tree is still up. It's waiting for my husband to pack it away.

    An Island Life


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