Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mamavation Monday... Pick Me!

First off, I love the Wii. Not the average video game I grew up with. I hope it will become a fun tool in my current weight loss journey. My only problem is with the Wii Fit and the balance board.

It has hurt my feelings. Now, I don't mean to whine, but I hate hearing the truth from strangers. When I was setting the Wii Fit up just after my birthday it was brutally honest with me. It weighed my stocky self and declared me, quite rudely, obese. Yeah, yeah... I KNOW that. But, how dare a game be so blunt. A game a barely know! I can only imagine what would happen at a party if someone I just met said that to me. I do hope the balance board, Wii Fit and I can become friends... but for now I feel like it is mocking me from its place near the tv.

Speaking of shocks to the system... my persnickity and ancient scale is being replaced. Far too often lately have I saw a fabulous number, only to find out it was far too kind. This old friend has been with me since college and now I think it is time to move on. I mean, this fantasy land has to stop. I am not under 200 lbs, no. In fact I am just over at 202 lbs. That is a place I hoped to never return. In it's place is coming an EatSmart scale. I can't wait to give it a whirl. I know I might not enjoy the news it has for me, but at least it will be honest.

So, how is that for fickle? I hate the Wii for being brutally honest about my current weight issues, and angry at the scale for whisping sweet little lies to me all these months.What will make me happy? Well, I am sure that thinner thighs would be a mighty fine start. Speaking of thinner, remember that I have applied to be a Mamavation Mom for campaign 7 and I need your help. Show your support by tweeting for me:

"Hey @! I want @ to be the next Mom. She has my support! "

Speaking of my scale, here is hopefully the last pic of my antiquated metal monster...

Do you see that? Back to 190!... or should I say 200 lbs. Yes, the nasty little liar is off by 10 lbs. Jeepers. That means folks, I lost 2lbs!!! Happy Dance... My pants have felt slightly better, and I am on an exercise high.

And more on the fitness front, two big home improvements. First we got an under sink water filter and can stop buying jugs of water. We are on well water and when we had it tested, it had some traces of not so nice things. Now I have no excuse to drink up and stay hydrated. Good thing, Leah (aka @bookieboo) just declared that Mamavation candidates should abstain from soda and alcohol. Whew. Tap water for me.
We also cleaned off, dug out and got the good old treadmill ready for duty. Can you say, no more excuses? The Nordic Track was a hand-me-down that I plan to really utilize. If I don't get outside for a walk, I can at least use this after the kids have gone to bed. I plan on starting the C25K training on this bad boy.

New Goals:
  • I started a quick 2 week yoplait light shape up. It will be over before Mamavation Boot Camp and hopefully will help me re-examine my breakfast habits.
  • Continue the EA Sports Active workouts for the week (4 total)
  • Plan each meal carefully for balance, whole grains & eat appropriate portions
  • Get 30 - 45 minutes of walking, jogging or running a day
This Week's Recipe Share: (drum roll please...)

Armenian Lentil Soup
you will need: 

1 1/2 c. lentils (rinsed)
10 c. water
1/2 c. brown rice (rinsed)
1 c. diced onions (I like yellow for this)
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 Tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos - look in the health food section. Less sodium than soy sauce.
1 Tbsp. onion powder
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp Chicken-like seasoning (for non-vegan use chicken or vegetable stock)
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dill weed
2 tsp. cumin
1 package of chopped spinach (thawed)
1 - 15 oz. diced tomatoes

Add all ingredients to your soup pot, except the spinach and tomatoes. Bring it to a boil, then turn down to a simmer for 1 hour. Lentils should be tender. Then add the spinach and simmer for an additional minute. Add the tomatoes right before serving. Makes 12 cups and freezes beautifully! Bon Ape-tit!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by @GameStopGame Stop is also the star of this week’s twitter party on 5 January.  The details of the the carnival prize will be posted soon.  To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Game Stop with a link back to their site.  Link up your post here.

What are ways you can work out without having to leave the house?

 This week I had to answer just that question. I kicked my workout up with the Wii Fit, EA Sports Active 2, various dance and pilates DVDs as well as my treadmill will be used
I feel like I have put my game face on. I am serious about losing the weight ladies. I am now ready to take orders and have bookieboo kick my behind with her boot camp. Please help support me in my quest to be a Mamavation Mom.


  1. Best wishes on the Mamavation campaign!

    Also - I'm not overweight, and the wii fit heckles me constantly too... I'm rather clumsy, so of course it has a field day with me on the balance games! Don't let a little machine get to you. Keep your focus on your goal.

    Have a great week

  2. You go, girl!
    I adore my WII and it has been nasty to me too, so I know what you mean. Good Luck to You!

  3. I have the same socks. Good job the on weight loss! You go girl!!! XXOO

  4. I so have to hide my crazy toes! Lol.

  5. I always have hated the Wii telling me that I'm obese, so of course that has given me motivation to get back at it. Wishing you luck this week.

  6. Great job on your weight lose! I am so excited for you! That soup looks so good thanks for sharing!

  7. Congrats on the weight loss!! Awesome on the treadmill too! Do you feel like it is pretty sturdy? I'll be starting the C25K too maybe next month.

    The soup looks delish!!

  8. Oooohh I love EatSmart scales. I have a bathroom one and the kitchen one with the nutritional information. It's so cool.

    Congrats on the loss! What a great way to start the year!

  9. Yeah! You brought out the Braggs in a recipe (I definitely use in lieu of soy sauce or salt a lot of times.) You look like you are prepped and motivated to be the campaign mom. Good luck. And ewww, and the thought of what came back in your contaminant test for your well water. Glad you have an appropriate filter. xoxo

  10. Oh man... the wii fit board... yes it is MEAN! haha... But it may not be completely correct if you are using it on carpet... that is one this that worries me!

    Fiance and I are moving in a week... I cannot wait to get my life re-organized in our new place and get our 'gym' space set up... mamavation hooked me up with a treadmill , but it is tought to use it in our 3rd floor apartment... or neighbors hate the noise... cant blame them... and cant wait to move!

    Happy new year hun! Good luck!!

    Tweeted for ya too!

  11. I miss your striped socks! lol I almost didn't recognize your feet. I heard the wii fit can be pretty mean when you start using it...I think it will make me cry when I pull it out of the box.
    Let me know how the yogurt challenge goes.

    Good luck with the campaign and being on tv tonight.

  12. Jealous of your treadmill... I'm hoping someone decides that fitness is NOT in their future and disposes of their slightly dusty treadmill via Craig's list here in the next few months!

    Good luck on the campaign and the soup looks DELISH! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Awesome job on the weight loss! Keep rockin it!

  14. Yummy Lentil Soup!! *drool*

    Way to go with your gusto and drive towards healthy living and weightloss! I am so proud of you! :)

    And of course, I support you for Mamavation Mom and your journey to have a healthy and active 2011!! :)

    Rachel @rachelsteffen

  15. Congrats on the 2lb loss! I think you will make a great Mamavation Mom, and you have my support. I can't wait to try that soup recipe. It looks so yummy and I need more recipes in my arsenal!

  16. Congrats on the loss!! That's awesome! I've been wanting to get a Wii Fit, but am terrified that it will taunt and laugh when I step on. LOL

    Good luck on becoming the next Mamavation Mom!

  17. That recipe looks A.Mazing! I'm actually tempted to go make this right now for my lunch for the next several days! Although, now that I think about it starting tomorrow's lunch at 9:45 at night might not be my best choice. :) Thanks for sharing that recipe. It's definitely going on the meal plan, I'm just not sure for when.

    I don't like the wii fit board either. I think it has a hard time in social situations.

  18. I just love how the your little Mii plumps up and is looks at herself in shock! Yep that was not one of the finer moments for the wii.

    Keep up the great work! I'm doing the C25k also.. let me know how you're doing :)

  19. LOL you made me laugh! I hear ya on the wii fit. way too blunt for my liking, and isn't too accurate if you wear different things each time. I hate taking the test on that thing. And I hear ya on the scales. Mine is fickle too and I never know what to believe.. LOL That is so awesome you are applying to be a mamavation mom! You have my support! As for the C25k. I did that training for a bit, and fell off the bandwagon when I jumped ahead. Need to get back on it, but it's so hard when either the weather sucks here, or My hubby gets home after dark. I won't walk/jog in this neigborhood after dark.. don't trust it, and really anywhere after dark for that matter.. LOL Have a great week!

  20. good luck with the mamavation application and have an awesome week

  21. How fun to get a new scale!! I like your goals- they're awesome! And so excited for you to have drinking water more accessible! Good luck on the couch to 5k. I'm sure you'll rock it!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!