Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who Am I? I Hope to be the Next Mamavation Mom

Has there been an event that has changed your life forever? Mamavation Mom campaign #7 just might be that moment for me.  My name is Andrea and I have to change my life in order to live the way I want to. For that I need your vote.

You see, locked inside this body is the heart of a gal who wants to get outside and do so much more! I am currently at 207 lbs, and at 5 ft. 4 inches that is just too much to carry around. I wasn't always this weight. I have always loved trying new things and being active. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, and am blessed with two small children. So how did this happen? Well, it didn't happen overnight.

I gained a little more than I should have with my first pregnancy. I really enjoyed eating for two! And after my son was born I started to lose the weight. But, then we found out that he had a rare genetic disorder called, PKU. In the past 3 years I have spent so much of my time and energy learning how to take care of him and now his sister, also with PKU, that I forgot how to take care of myself. Between clinic visits, various specialists, logging their food & learning how to do their blood tests, I ceased to be anything but their Mother. I ate as we traveled, and spent many hours in waiting rooms... waiting. It was a full time job. So full, that we made the decision to stay home and care for the kids.

Currently I am trying to find myself. The first step is becoming healthy. I don't have a magical goal weight and I don't have a quick solution to my problem. I am just hoping to receive some one-on-one coaching along with tools to help me live again. The program supports the Moms with coaching, workout DVDs, a treadmill and some food. Along with this comes a commitment to support the rest of the Sistahood, keep a food journal, blog about my journey and ...*gulp* put myself out there with photos, weight and measurement. I know, what am I thinking? All will be worth it for a chance to permanently change my life and health. I want to share my journey... the ups, downs and the ugly... to inspire other Moms out there like me. We are more than just Moms, and our families need us to be strong individuals.

I want to lose this weight and be successful at keeping it off.  I am a Stay at home Mom and am married to a hard working farmer. We are simple and down to earth. Cooking and food are my passion . I love from scratch recipes and sharing them on my blog. I don't see this as a conflict, but an opportunity. I hope to use my skills and interest to share healthier and delicious recipes that other struggling Moms can enjoy. The great thing is, our families can  benefit from our healthier lifestyle. I hope my children will grow up with better tools to handle their food and exercise pitfalls later on.

Voting is easy! Support is done with just a click for "@notimemom" on Mamavation.com. With your vote you can send me straight into bookieboo's Mamavation Mom bootcamp where I will start getting back on track. Bootcamp, coaching and exercise materials are the jump start I have been hoping for. Isn't it amazing what just one vote can do? One vote per person, so I need a lot of votes to win. Feel free to share this with you family and friends. Maybe you know someone who would benefit from the  Mamavation Sistahood support.

Also check out my current Tutu Giveaway to gain more support for this campaign. For your vote, you will be entered to win a hand made tie-style tutu. I am happy to do all I can to make this more exciting for you!

You can catch me on twitter where I am committed to supporting others seeking healthy lifestyles: @notimeMom.

Thanks for taking a moment to get to know me better! I am so nervous about this campaign, but know that I have already chosen to make myself over as the best person I can be.

1 comment:

  1. Scarves Scarves
    Best wishes! I have learned a lot from , across a range of subjects.


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!