Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - New Year's Snow

Our little valley rarely sees snow. For it to stick long enough for a bit of playing? Even more rare an occasion.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!


  1. Aww Looks like he had alot of fun! We had A White Christmas. First time GA has had one since 1882!!

  2. I bet the kids had fun! Now I wouldn't mind snow once in a blue moon... I am ready for warm weather NOW! ~hugs, Faythe @ GMT~

  3. These pics are just darling! :) Happy WW.

  4. Awesome! Glad you all got some snow. We had some on Christmas day and it was a first for Atlanta in over 100 years. We made a little snowman, too, and my daughter used beach toys to make snow castles :)

  5. It's a lot of fun in the snow.

    WW: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2011/01/wordless-wednesday-in-pop-up-tent.html

  6. Glad you're enjoying it...I'm relieved ours finally melted!

  7. That's so sweet. We don't have snow in town, but all we have to do is drive 10 minutes up the hill and there's plenty. I like it that way,lol.

  8. Yeah, we NEVER get snow and that is just fine with me. It looks like your kids had a great time playing in it! And that middle picture? TOO CUTE! I just want to squeeze him. That one is definitely a framer!

    Thanks for linking up today. Happy WW!

  9. Oh what fun! I love the pictures - so beautiful.

  10. I'm glad you had this postcard snow fun! I love when that happens. A year or so ago that happened here and it was awesome! i was hoping it would come again this year but it didn't.


    Love the photos!

  11. Oh, that looks like so much fun! I want some snow!

  12. That looks so fun, My son wants snow and all we had was an hour of flurries the day after christmas.

  13. I know what you mean! Here in KS it has not snowed yet. My 3 yo daughter is going crazy waiting to build a snowman! I love those pictures, what fun memories!


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