Thursday, March 31, 2011

Aloha Friday #55

Welcome to Friday Everyone! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. I feel like I am experiencing the calm before the storm of the holiday. Let's sit back, relax and enjoy a little blog hop. No heavy mental lifting today... just one simple little question...

What is Your Favorite Easter Treat?
Marshmallow Peeps? Cadbury Eggs? Jell-O Eggs? ... or something else? I am looking for ideas as I plan my April activities and treats. I want to know what your favorite is.

I have chocolate molds at the ready to attempt my own filled chocolate eggs this year, and lots of sprinkles and adornments to really go cupcake crazy, but I am always looking for more inspiration.

If you are looking for more Aloha Friday fun, go to An Island Life and check out the other posts on the Linky. Have a great weekend!

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  1. I like the chocolate peanut butter eggs. Yum!!

  2. I use to LOVE peeps, but now I really enjoy the marshmallow filled chocolate eggs.

  3. My all time favorite is those little hard shelled chocolate eggs by Cadbury in the purple bag...yummy! :)

  4. Reese's peanut butter eggs. Always has been, always will be!

  5. I like Whoppers Robin Eggs, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Eggs.

  6. It's a toss-up between Peeps and Cadbury eggs. Though Peeps tend to win out more each year. ;)

    Aloha: April Fools!

  7. I don't really have one - I don't like peeps and I don't like cadbury cream eggs - maybe just a chocolate bunny...

  8. I done have any special Easter treat.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  9. We celebrate Passover, but each year I HAVE to make sure to get some Cadbury Mini Eggs.

  10. I love those Whopper candy eggs! I could eat the entire carton by myself. :-)

    An Island Life

  11. Anything with coconut and chocolate. And anything with caramel. :)


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!