Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Taking the Plunge! #NSNation

Where to begin?

I love food... I am not a sweet snacker, or a savory snacker... I'm both. Let's just call it an equal opportunity eater. Living surrounded by fruit and vegetables you would think making good food decisions would be easy... well, not so much.

I still have baby weight to lose, and pre-baby weight, too.

So I am excited to be jumping in with both feet and joining the Nutrisystem Nation. I will be blogging/vlogging my 4 month journey on the program.

So, who joins Nutrisystem?

Well, people like me. I am a busy Mom with two toddlers. I have weight to lose but trouble doing it. I can get the scale to move up and down a bit, but my weakness is food!

I am hoping to control my portions, get a good jump start on my weight-loss and enjoy a great support system in the process. Ultimately I would love to get myself down to a healthy BMI. I don't want to put an exact number on that right now. I do know that getting down to under 150 lbs for my 5'4" frame is a good start.

I am excited. So much to learn, so many meals to try. I will be part of the Women's Select Program with both frozen meal and pantry ready meal selections. I do love choices!

For now I am getting to know the online community and clearing a bit of freezer space out for my food options. I will be back to post about my journey. Come join along as I take the plunge!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

*Disclaimer - Nutrisystem is providing me with 4 months of their program as part of their Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program in exchange for blogging about my experiences. All opinions are my own and results will be mine, your experiences may vary.
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1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Congrats. I can't wait to follow your journey.


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