Well, how often to do you blog?
This year I have worked hard to bring more posts to my readers. I have always been torn between the idea of regular posting, and having quality posts that will interest my audience. I do post sponsored content from time to time and am toying with the ideas of more deals and coupons since they seem so popular. As many bloggers will admit, having a little money coming in for the time and site upkeep is nice, but not at the expense of blog relevance.
I have been trying to branch out and post more family things. Food is always easy to write about. I love sharing recipes, tips and tricks to make food more accessible and less intimidating. I have often held back because I don't post about our extended family or I struggle to find creative ways to share my children's antics. Yes, they are real characters! But this month I am going to buckle down and post. It will be a crazy month here with the holiday, birthdays and the change of season. I hope you will join me as I post more about the farm, our food and our family. The reviews and giveaways will stay, no worries. I just want to put a little more heart and soul into Adventures in All Things Food .... & Family.
So, why the change of heart? Well, this month the Blogher group, NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) is challenging bloggers to post daily. Write, share and grow as a blogger. There is still time to sign up and join in. It starts today, but the blogroll will be open for new submissions till November 5th. Want to join in? Oh, did I mention there are some great prizes involved?
Come join me. Blog, write and share. I am #593 on the blogroll and there is still time and room for more!
I struggle with the same thing. It is hard to balance reviews/giveaways with personal information and still have quality. I look forward to reading your posts this month.