Monday, January 2, 2012

Have You Kicked the Bucket List?

Earlier this week I posted about my New Year's Resolutions. Yes, I still make them. I actually enjoy setting goals for the year and working towards them.

But what about that magical master list, often referred to as a "Bucket List"?

You know, all the things you want to accomplish before you die? Slightly morbid, but it is just one big list of things to aspire to. I don't actually have one list. I tend to work on shorter range goals. I started making lists when I was in school and they helped me focus on my dreams.

So, maybe it is high time I made a new list.

  1.  Travel to Germany. I have roots there and would love to find my extended family members.
  2.  Take my whole family to Japan. I lived there for 4 years and would love to share that with my children.
  3.  Take a classic family road trip to the Grand Canyon. Add in a few stops from "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives" and have simple classic fun with my family.
  4.  Have High Tea in England. This just sounds cool.
  5.  Master my sewing machine and create a dress for myself ...that I love.
  6.  Knit a pair of socks. I have started and stopped this project a dozen times!
  7.  Tour around Europe on a tandem with my husband. Complete with back roads and scenic views.
  8.  Learn the art of bee keeping. I had a neighbor growing up who was a beekeeper and I have been fascinated ever since. Plus, I just love fresh, local honey.
  9.  Take a Master Canning course. I want to know the science behind PH and safe canning practices.
  10.  Make my own block of hard cheese. Wax, rind, aged and all!

Quirky? Yes. That is me. And this is my Bucket List.

What is on yours?


  1. When you wrote #4 did you type it and think it in a British accent? I read it that way ;)

  2. What an amazing list!!!! I'd love some postcards from all those wonderful destinations, what great experiences for your family!. :)

    Carrigan's Joy

  3. Those sound fun. I especially like the road trip idea and beekeeping. I took a class on beekeeping at our county agricultural extension, but then I had a baby, so no bees for us until he's a little older.

  4. Great bucket list!! check out mine:

  5. What a great list! I truly hope you're able to experience them all!

  6. I want to learn beekeeping too! It looks like so much fun, as long as I don't get stung ;)

  7. Wow! What a unique list! I love cheese, so I just might have to add a block (or two) to my bucket list!


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