Saturday, January 7, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - YOU Decide

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose.

You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

(Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss)

 I am loving this quote right now because it is all about choices. Everyday I make decisions that effect my entire day... what I wear, eat, drink and what I do. Being a part of Mamavation has taught me that I should take everyday as it comes. Some will be good, and others will be completely beyond my control. But, consistency and perseverance are what really counts. 

Ultimately I have no one to blame (or credit) but myself. I lifted that fork, that dumbbell, that glass of water to my mouth. And each time I step on the scale and lose a pound, or .2 pounds is because of my hard work. Along the way I have had a lot of help and have met some amazing people, but they don't lace up my trainers or fix me breakfast. Leah & Alysa gave me some amazing tools to work with, but the best tool was empowerment.

Own it ladies. 

And as the Dr. Seuss story goes, where will you go?

I can't believe it is hazing time again for the Mamavation Mom campaign. I realized this is the 6th round of these I have been through. The first time around I remember doing jumping jacks in support of Shelley and Rachel... then campaigning myself twice and feeling the burn. Wow! Time really flies when you are sweating and having fun. 

I want to send out support and love for the gals brave enough to apply for Mamavation Mom. Remember, you can always join in with the workouts, just follow @fitmomtraining on twitter. There is still time to apply to be a Mamavation Mom for campaign 11, applications accepted through January 18th.

So between campaign hazing, and cooking up a storm I really rely on meal planning to keep me on track. If you are looking for a great way to keep your meal-planning fun and organized, check out this adorable and free printable from Seven Thirty Three blog. I love that you can print this off and have it bound at your local office supply store.

Weight Check - The week I lost 2.1 lbs!!!  Oh, yeah... I was excited to see that number this morning. I am hoping to see even more loss when I start #2weekchallenge number 5 on Monday.

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Budhi Skin Care.

What do you find most challenging in skin care?

Ugh. I have adult acne something fierce! It gets worse when I sweat a lot or am really stressed. I am constantly fighting with it. I have tried just about everything possible, but also have sensitive skin. I always hoped to grow out of it, but since at 33 that doesn't seem likely, I am working at finding some natural and healthy ways to combat bad breakouts. 

As a closing thought today, I wanted to leave you with a great quote a friend of mine had up on Facebook. I think this sums up my darkest days. Keep you head up ladies and be healthy.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be... (Douglas Adams)
*DisclaimerThis post is sponsored by Budhi Skin Care and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women 


  1. Good job on the weight loss! I am trying really hard to get those pounds off as well. I'm glad you have people who show you support. It's so much more fun when there are people who are beside you on your weight loss journey.

  2. You are kicking butt with your weight, Girl! My size 12 jeans are getting quite uncomfortable (yep, I gained weight) and 3 birthday parties last weekend didn't help. Well, I think it's time to start kicking my own butt. Wanna detox with me? I hope for a great week for you. XO

  3. Thank you for your support luv, it means alot having support during hazing time. Loving the workouts and especially the results @ the end of the week. Stoked for the #2weekchallenge starting. Gonna be an exhausting busy month. Love it but i know it's stressful. I just keep breathing and going with the flow. Have a great week!

  4. Awesome job on the weight loss! You are such an inspiration.

  5. I am participating in the 2weekchallenge also. I'll be seeing you in the tweets. :)

    Love that quote

  6. Love, love these words from fitness guru Dr. Seuss! Thank you for bringing that joy to my day.

  7. This is an awesome post! I love the reminder that only I can choose to make it happen and nobody is to blame (or get credit) but me!

  8. Planning is so important for me! Thanks for the printable link! I love that quote (and that book) too :-)


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