Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Carpe Diem, Before the Mom Planner #BlogDare

My life runs on a schedule. Tick, tock...

We have a set morning routine, meals together around the table and bedtime pattern. Tick, tock...

This is my life now as a Mom. I'm not complaining. By trial and the error we have seen what happens when the schedule is abandoned, I know my children thrive on routine.

That doesn't mean my life was always so planned out.

After college I had the chance to travel around Asia. The best trips I had were not planned out, no preconceived ideas or expectations were formed. I just went and saw where my travels would lead me.

On a two-week trip to Thailand not only did I travel solo, but only booked my first few nights lodging. Crazy? Maybe. But, the whole experience was amazing.

Each morning I awoke to the warm sun, I went where I wanted and ate what was recommended to me or I found the most appealing. The food was amazing! From roadside produce stands to noodle stalls it all held flavors and aromas I never imagined.

I stayed in Bangkok for a few days before heading south to Koh Tao, turtle island. I loved the pace of my vacation. I could take the time to walk and explore the beaches on the island as well as soaking in the sun or talking with the locals.

I learned to dive, enjoyed the best seafood and really came away with a love for the Thai landscape. I don't think I would have enjoyed the whole experience as much had I been keeping to a schedule. Of course, I'm not a toddler. Adults have the chance to make their own decisions, though in our society everything is usually carefully planned out.

It is not glamorous. But the job I have now is important. Someday I will once again be free, the queen of my own day and schedule. Till then, I can remember what it felt like to seize the day and live each day as it came.

I can't wait till my schedule opens up again, but for now I am a Mom, armed with an alarm clock, a planner and a routine.

Tick, tock...


  1. I am so with you. Tick Tock. I look around and wonder, how did my life get like this? Then I realize hey I had my fun and this is better!

  2. Totally hear you! Carpe Diem looks a bit different nowadays, eh?!?

  3. WOW!!! You are a brave woman!! You really did Carpe Diem!! WOW!


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