Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Build a Bear! (#FriendsCount)

Build-a-Bear Workshop is celebrating it's 15th Birthday this year!

The company opened its doors in St. Louis Galleria on October 27, 1997 it has grown to become a global brand while being recognized as a company with heart. In honor of their birthday and helping create 100 million best friends, Build-A-Bear Workshop wants to spread the word that Friends Count! Whether your best friend is one of your longtime gal pals, your spouse, your pet, or even your teddy bear, we can all agree that our friends have enriched our lives.

We know how much our furry, cuddly friends mean in our house. My children are very attached to their Build-a-Bear friends and cherish every one of them. Building a friend is a rare treat for us since the closest store is an hour away.

Both my children were born with PKU and weekly blood draws and numerous doctor's appointments have become a way of life. Most activities dealing with their condition are routine, but occasionally we hit a hard day and for me as a Mom it can be tough.

One particular lab day was harder than usual for my son. The Phlebotomists had a hard time drawing enough blood for their samples. They attempted several different locations and even switched who tried the blood draw. It was a very traumatic day for a 3-year old and he was extremely and vocally upset. 

We had been to Build-a-Bear once before and knew he enjoyed it, so we promised him that he could go back after the lab work was finished. He chose a white owl to fill and dressed him in comfy pajamas. The whole process of making his friend and personalizing him was very healing. He created a friend he could hug, talk to and take on trips.

"Dr. Hoot" still holds a prominent place on my son's bed at night and I was so happy to find something to make him smile that day. My son's stuffed owl means a lot to him and so I am excited to celebrate both of Build-a-Bear's amazing accomplishments this year.

Happy Birthday, Build-a-Bear! May 100 Million more friends be made in your stores to come!

*Disclaimer - I wrote this as part of a promotion with MomSelect and Build-a-Bear. By posting, I was entered to win a gift card.. All opinions and stories are my own. No other compensation was received. 

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