Monday, February 13, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - The Long Haul

Being healthy isn't about this minute, today or even just this week.

Being healthy is about lifestyle choices and what I like to call, "the long haul". Some days are better than others and we all have our ups and downs, but I am in this for the duration. This is my life and I can be in charge of my own actions again.

I haven't posted my weight for a while because the scale has gone up, down and sideways.... yes, I think that is possible in the world of weight loss, don't you? Anyway... My heart wants quick results, but my head isn't willing to commit to everything everyday. Some days it is hard to fit it all in, but that is a necessity.

This past weekend I took the focus off my exercise and we worked to organize and de-clutter the back rooms. Even through I broke a small sweat, the steps didn't add up to my daily goal. In truth, I couldn't feel better. There is something therapeutic about cleaning up a space and making it productive.  No longer do I have to climb around boxes or sift through stack of paper. Emotionally I needed this clean up and in the long run I think it will be healthy for me.

So with one room almost finished, we still have two more to tackle. I also want to put on my big girl panties... you know the waterproof kind needed here in the rainy Pacific Northwest... and brave the cold drizzle. It has been not only affecting my motivation but also my mood. Well, not anymore. Armed with a few new tunes and good outdoor gear, I have no more excuses.

Now, if this is starting to sound like a personal pep-talk, well, it is...

And ya know, I am listening.

I have improved my water intake. Yay! I have been following the Mamavation Mom workouts. Double sore, Yay!!

I am excited for tonight's Mamavation TV. I really need to let go of my stress and relax more. As an emotional eater, this can be a huge trigger for me. I want to also send hugs out to Lolo @MyBaybah who is doing such a great job as a Mamavation Mom. She is working hard and I am so proud of her.

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Mamavation.
One blogging carnival participant will receive $50 VISA gift card. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and link back to Mamavation site.
What is your favorite way to relax?
I love crafting. I am the gal who would rather have a project (fabric, yarn, hot glue gun) in hand than be just sitting. I also enjoy reading, though I haven't been able to read much since the kids were born. If only I could add another few hours to everyday...

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway


  1. My goal this week is cleaning & decluttering. I often feel I can't focus on weight loss in a sea of messiness.
    You are an awesome mommy, mentor, crafter, foodie...hugs <3

  2. Nothing makes me feel better than de-cluttering and I too love to craft to relax. My passion is cross stitching. Have a beautiful week!

  3. i hear ya on the reading a good book. It's hard sometimes with the kids running around and then when u do have time to yourself you find other things that need to get done. Never ends. Hope you have a great week.

  4. Good call on the decluttering. Burning the mental excess can be far more valued than a few extra calories. I definitely notice the short and long term euphoria from cleaning my closets. A perfect natural high!

  5. I need to declutter so badly too!! It's overwhelming so I put it off but it still makes me feel overwhelmed!!


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