Monday, February 13, 2012

New! International Delight Iced Coffee (#IcedCoffee)

Coffee makes me happy...

It starts my day, it's aroma can make me smile and I have probably drank a few 100 gallons over the course of my lifetime. Many of those cups and glasses have been with friends around the world.

Of course, I would rather not have to make it myself. In fact, I would be delighted if it just magically appeared at my bedside every morning. But what about an afternoon treat?

Well, that is where iced coffee comes in. I first started having iced coffee in the afternoon when I lived in Japan. Tea time was a great excuse for a cookie or two or a slice of cake and a tall glass of iced coffee. Black please. With a bit of gum syrup on the side, because dissolving sugar in cold coffee is no fun.

I was very excited to learn about International Delight Iced Coffee. Yes, coffee. If you love their creamers, then you will be swept away by the ready to drink iced coffees.

We had to search high and low for the new product. Finally we found it. You can see our shopping adventure in our Google album HERE. In Original, Mocha and Vanilla it was near the juice in the refrigerated cases. At check-out the clerk asked me questions about it. He had never heard of their iced coffee before. I was intrigued myself.

Tasting and sharing the coffee was half the fun. I mean, who would turn down a cup of creamy iced coffee, right?

I love the fact that this is party-ready. Just chill, shake and pour! No brewing and then chilling for your guests. No need to flavor it or add sugar, either. It is ready to go.

Whether we enjoyed the coffee inside together...

...and I took the party on-the-go to share with the guys out picking turnips on the farm. I bet they would like the treat. This is a treat you can take anywhere!

Everyone likes a nice iced coffee pick-me-up! Oh, and be forewarned, you can't try just one flavor... you better try all three.

Though my husband found them too sweet for his tastes, they are pretty good for iced coffee drinks. If you serve this at your next function, you too can get the rave reviews and people asking, "What brand was that again?"

My favorite, by far, was the Vanilla. I sure hope they come out with Irish Cream next. Their Irish Cream Creamer is my favorite.

Connect with International Delight on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to find your own carton of #IcedCoffee at your local Walmart, or favorite grocery store.

*Disclaimer - This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are my own


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