Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nordic Naturals: Are You Getting Your Omega Oils? - Review

Do you get enough Omega-3?

I try to serve fish in our family, but I am always concerned about where it was caught, try to avoid farm raised and don't want any with dyes added. Most of the fish in our grocery store does not meet my standards. So, I take a fish oil supplement to make up for missing Omega-3s.

When given the chance to review Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3 supplements, I jumped at the chance. Nordic Naturals believe omega oils are essential to life. They are committed to delivering the safest and most effective omega oils.

I take my soft gels first thing in the morning with my breakfast. When I was growing up we always took supplements and from years of experience I know that taking oils with food makes it easier on my stomach.

The gel caps go down easily with no bad aftertaste. You don't have to worry about this fish oil tasting "fishy". I haven't noticed any side effects, or burping, etc. with them either. If you have ever taken other oil supplements you probably know what I am talking about.

Nordic Naturals has a whole line of products for my family and pets. Their product is unique because they are using Arctic cod for the benefits of boosting immunity, soothing joints, promoting a healthy heart, and more. They control their product all through the production process, from boat to bottle so they can stand by their product claims.

Right now, Nordic Naturals is running a contest asking, "What's Essential To You?"

My children both have a rare metabolic condition called PKU. Modern medicine, metabolic research and diet therapy are essential in my life to keep my children healthy and developing normally. Through learning about their special dietary needs I have come to appreciate how important diet and nutrition is in all of our lives. Simple steps like taking our Omega-3 oils daily is a simple way to care for myself and those I love.

My daughter loves taking her morning "gummy". She even reminds me some days!

You can stop by their Facebook page to enter and see other submission.  Tell your essential story and enter to win a ticket to California, and other fun prizes!  Find the official rules at This contest is open to both the US and Canada. Good luck!

*Disclaimer - I was sent samples from Nordic Naturals to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own. My experience might differ from yours. Always consult your doctor for medical advice, not bloggers.

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