Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zoku Fun! 7 Minutes & Done.

Mama got a new toy last week.

Kitchen gadgets always make me excited. I saw these Zoku Quick Pop Makers last Summer,  read reviews and waited for the price to come down a bit. My husband was not sold on the idea but I ordered ours anyway.

..and of course I added the Zoku Character Kit. It has a bunch of small cutters to make a wide variety of faces and patterns. I used fruit, kiwi and banana, next time I want to try using fruit leather for the features.

Once the features were cut out, I dipped mine in the juice and then used the special paddle to press them (freeze them) onto the side of the Zuku. The Zoku Quick Pop Maker is frozen ahead and then remains cold enough to freeze your pops on the counter in 7-9 minutes. Really. You can even watch as it happens.

In my excitement, I put the juice in first... then the sticks. Don't make this mistake. We had to siphon off a bit of juice for it to fit, but in the end it was still delicious.

Of course I completely made them bass-ack-wards. Thank goodness that doesn't affect the taste.

We had a blast and plan to make up a new batch tomorrow.

So, have you heard of the Zoku? I may never want to wait for popsicles again! ...and neither will my kids.

*Disclaimer - I was not compensated in any way for this post. I purchased my own Zoku Quick Pop Maker and all opinions are my own.


  1. Wow, I have never heard of it, but definitely would use it if I had it! Looks too fun and cute.

  2. soo cute great job. Kids must be loving you for buying that. stopping by from Alexa hop


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