Thursday, March 15, 2012

Eek! How Do I Turn the Water Heater Off?

I am not handy around the house.

I can cook, I can craft and I can kiss boo-boos, but you won't find me taking up a tool belt anytime soon. Last year my worst nightmare came true. I was faced with a household problem way out of my league. I couldn't figure out how to turn the water heater off! I mean, what do I know about water heater repair?

Our water heater is located in the far corner of our utility room. There is so much stuff stored in there, I am surprised we can even see the water heater let alone get to it. Mid-morning I just happened to notice a thick, rusty sludge pouring out of the water heater. My first thought was panic! Remember, I am not handy.

The shallow pan surrounding the unit was full and starting to overflow. Not only was I worried about water damage on the floor, but this was some nasty, rust-colored liquid flowing out. I raced to grab rags to mop up the floor and place around the bottom.

Then, I called my husband.

My husband is a farmer. He doesn't sit behind a desk conveniently poised to answer the phone or have someone to take a message for him, either. He is usually sitting on a tractor and can't hear his phone or he is in the middle of something and can't talk.

I left a message.

All the while there is water still coming out of the water heater! I grabbed more rags and replaced the first. When I finally did get a call back he asked me to shut off the water. There might as well have been one hundred switches and dials on the water heater. I couldn't figure out what to do. I tried my best to turn it off and thought I had. The water didn't stop.

Eventually, with much convincing that I truly was a damsel in distress, my husband came home. He was able to turn it off and then assessed that the water heater had given up the ghost. Maybe it is a little known fact but water heaters should not bleed rusty, thick liquid. That was pretty much a sign that we needed a new water heater.

We did brave through a day without hot water.. I don't want to do that again with two small children. Luckily I was able to get help to locate a new water heater and get it installed properly. I am grateful that there are people out there who are handy. I am not still mopping up that mess and trying to figure out how to turn it off!

*Disclaimer - I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was
compensated for this post. However, the story, opinions and water heater disaster are my own.


  1. It's a good thing that you didn’t scald yourself too much while mopping all the hot rusty liquid spilling out of the heater. Gladly, your husband arrived on time to turn it off. Well, you better be ready the next time in case this happens again, but hopefully it won't. Reading the manual of the new heater could help you the next time around.

  2. It's a great thing that you bought a new heater. The incident happen to your old heater is quite dangerous. Thankfully, your husband didn't get any burns or something, while turning off the heater. Be careful next time, Andrea.

  3. You could easily check out websites such as to find step-by-step guides not only how to turn the water heater off, but how to maintain it as well. I swear that you could even impress your husband by doing this!


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