Friday, March 30, 2012

"F" is for Food & Friday (3/30)

Pinterest holds so many possibilities, some days I am overwhelmed by the amount of things I NEED to make. Pinterest can be used for more than just fun, in fact more and more companies are seeing the benefit of getting their customers/fans to pin. I currently have a Pinterest e-Book Giveaway with no entries! Ends today, so hop over and enter.

Are you on Pinterest? Leave your info so I can swing by. Check out my boards HERE.  Let me know if you need an invite, too. As usual, this week I am linking up with Finding Joy in My Kitchen's Favorite Friday Finds. 

Can I tempt you with this Sweet Potato Pasta and Kale?

Or what about these Summer vegetable crepes?

These Stuffed Avocados look yummy, don't they? I want to stuff mine with chicken salad.

This Thai Coconut Soup is also calling to me...

Source: via Andrea on Pinterest

This Strawberry cake reminds me that Strawberry season will be here soon.


Well, until the rain stops here I will be sticking with the comfort foods. I am looking forward to lighter menus as the weather turns warmer.

What are you pinning this week?

1 comment:

  1. isn't Pinterest just great? The pasta and avocados look like some tasty eats!


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