Friday, March 9, 2012

"F" is for Food & Friday (3/9)

With the holidays coming up I have been pinning more than usual. There are so many great ideas for food and decorations to make the day extra special.

Are you on Pinterest? Leave your info so I can swing by. Check out my boards HERE.  Let me know if you need an invite, too. This week I am linking up with Finding Joy in My Kitchen's Favorite Friday Finds.

This week I found a mix of healthy, fun and decadent pins...
How about this Spinach and Feta Pie for St. Patrick's Day?

Or this Velvety Chocolate Cream Pie recipe for an Easter indulgence?

Source: via Andrea on Pinterest

I want to make these Zucchini Tots as soon as they are in season.

I know my kiddos will love these DIY Frozen Yogurt Bites...

I just need to bribe someone to make this Lemon Cake with Black Tea Frosting for me...

So what did you pin this week? Anything you want to share?

Let me know. I am always looking for new inspiration. Have a great week.


  1. Yum! Those zucchini tots look delicious. I love zucchini. And the frozen yogurt bites are such a fun idea.

  2. Love the zucchini tots and yogurt bites! My little one will llooovvvee!

  3. I will be adding the Zucchini Tots to my "to make" list. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

  4. black tea frosting?!?! Yum. And, loving those zucchini tots too.


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!