Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fresh Mushrooms - Nature's Hidden Treasure!

Mushrooms are a topic near and dear to my heart.

I fell in love with mushrooms while living in Japan. Grilled, tempura, marinated or simmered, they varied in tastes, textures and colors but all added to some memorable and tasty dishes. I keep a variety of mushrooms in my kitchen and love how well their full flavor compliments my recipes. I often feature them prepared for our meatless Monday menu or added into everyday sauces for a depth of flavor and added texture.

My children have a restricted diet, so I have learned how chopped up mushrooms can be a great substitute for meat. When softened and seasoned the both the texture and flavor can pass for meat. This frugal "swapability" allows me to stretch my meat budget farther as a compliment, or to take it's place entirely. I use mushrooms in my spaghetti sauce or as a filling or stuffing.

A healthy alternative

  •  Mushrooms are not only low in calories and fat-free, but their flavorful umami content allows for less salt to be used in a dish, without compromising taste
  •  Mushrooms are the only fresh fruit or veggie with vitamin D
  • Within the produce aisle, mushrooms are a leading source of the antioxidants selenium and ergothioneine; these antioxidants help maintain a healthy immune system
  • Mushrooms provide B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid; B vitamins help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Whether you are looking to be frugal, lower your calories and fat consumption, lower your sodium or try a vegetarian twist on your family's favorites, enjoying fresh mushrooms is easy.

How To:
  • Chop up your favorite mushroom variety to match the consistency of the ground beef or turkey;
  • Cook and season mushrooms the same way you would meat;
  • Combine the cooked meat and mushrooms and use the mix to complete your recipe.
The Mushroom Council, a group of U.S. mushroom growers, is celebrating National Nutrition Month (March) as the perfect time to “get your plate in shape” with mushrooms.

Find great recipes like these Cremini and Pork Meatballs, on

Party Alert!!

Find out more at the #Mushroom Twitter Party
Monday, March 12th at 8:00 PM EST. 
The event hashtag is #Mushrooms and there will be prizes awarded. (US and Canada, 18+). 

*Disclaimer - This is a sponsored post made possible through Global Influence and The Mushroom Council. All opinions expressed are my own. 

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