Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Let SitterScout Schedule You A Break

I am a Mom of two, and I rarely have a night off. This year my husband and I want to set aside more time for date nights and adult conversation. As busy Moms don't we all deserve a bit of time off?

Some times I just need a bit of uninterrupted adult conversation to leave me feeling refreshed and ready to face play-doh again the next day. My husband and I used to talk for hours before the kids were born, now we have gleaned communication down to only the necessities that can be hurtled over my talkative children. In order to strengthen our bond, and make us better parents, time together is essential. And bonding in a nice restaurant with other adults is always a bonus!

I schedule our doctors visits, play dates and family trips but I do not look forward to scheduling a night out. Why? Scheduling a babysitter can be frustrating. Even with a short list of potential sitters to work with the time spent playing phone tag, leaving messages and waiting to hear back can put a damper on scheduling the fun side of the outing. Well, SitterScout can help schedule your babysitters.

I set up an account with SitterScout. It is fast, easy and free! This online/mobile tool is a little like having a personal assistant in charge of my sitters. This isn't a service for recruiting sitters, instead it uses my current and trusted network of contacts and allows me to put out requests and be notified as soon as someone takes the job.

I can schedule when I need a sitter, then set up who I would like to request to babysit for me. I can put down just one person, but adding many possible sitters is more efficient. A text or email is sent out to my possible sitters and I am texted when the job is accepted.

I love that I can organize my contacts by prioritizing my top choices. My second round will be contacted 4 hours later if no one from the first round accepted. I also love that by entering the information in once on the SitterScout site, I am done. No need to make multiple calls because this service does all the work for me. And if my sitter backs out? I can use the waiting list and my other sitters will automatically be contacted. I love the simplicity. Both the scheduler and sitter are also sent a reminder email 48 hours before the appointment.

This seems like a great way for me and my sitters to manage requests and appointments, don't you? If you had a convenient way to schedule your sitters, how would you spend your break?

*Disclaimer - This is a Splash Creative Media campaign on behalf of I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own.

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