Sunday, March 25, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - Cabin Fever Crazies!

Rain, rain go away.
Come again some other day.

I like to think of myself as web footed and water proof but the past few days have seemed darker and drearier than usual for Spring in Oregon. Maybe it is because now I have two little ones with cabin fever that it seems even more unbearable than usual. 

Rainy days mean creative activities like living room obstacle courses and lots of arts and crafts. Not as active as I would hope but we are making do. We did manage one dry trip to the park with a lot of running, swinging and climbing involved. I can't wait to return. Playing is such an important part of childhood.

Weather and lack of motivation to get outside in the cold, wet stuff is my #1 workout challenge. I enjoy getting out like the kids and playing. It can be a walk, a jog, gardening or a bike ride, but I prefer to workout in the sun and fresh air.

For me, it makes it seem less like a workout. DVDs are great, I love to dance but I too often find myself checking the time and hitting pause. I love enjoying the scenery out of doors and hearing the birds.

I can't wait for a sunny day to smile down on us here in Oregon, but until then I will take each step at a time, watch my nutrition and remember that eventually the rain will go away.

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Knocked-Up Fitness.
Since I already tackled this week's question, What is your #1 challenge when it comes to workouts?

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Knocked-Up Fitness  and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway 


  1. Dreary weather definitely makes it hard to be motivated to get out and do something. I much prefer sunshine and a light breeze!

  2. I love being active outside too! I think I have workout DVD ADD, I also keep checking the clock and get bored or try to find a reason to stop and do something else! I hope your weather gets better soon!!

  3. I love the way you tackle your inner lazy Andrea! Have a great week

  4. We had a week of lovely weather, and we spent every day outside- now it's supposed to snow tonight. :( It' shard to feel motivated when it's bleary out!


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