Sunday, April 8, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - Cooking Up a Plan

Last week I had a great plan.

I had it all. Exercise, Meal Plan and goals. Everything I needed to follow to have a great week. And you know, with some slight alternations and detours, I pretty much stuck with it. Yay!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday. We decided to stay home so I could take charge of our food and include my children in the meals. So often food becomes a real challenge for holidays. Everyone has their own diet to follow and plans change at the last minute. I was hurt that my children would not be included with everyone else, so we celebrated as our little family of 4. Smoked tenderloin for the adults and roasted veggies, fruit salad and sides for all of us, to share. The best part was my kids ate and ate. They weren't distracted by well-meaning family members or overstimulated by the crowd, they just ate. It was beautiful.

Okay, so big news... I finally decided to jump head first and ordered P90x. Yes, done. It arrives this week and I can't wait to get started. I have always wanted to find out how strong I can become. I am hoping this is my chance. So, my goals for the week are still simple but exercise and food may change slightly as I modify for the new workout. I am planning on easing into things so I don't get burned out or injured.

My goal this week - walk everyday. Get outside every day weather allows.

This Week's Workouts:
Monday - Walk, Ellen Barret's Yogini DVD, push up challenge
Tuesday - Walk, Black Eyed Peas Kinect Game
Wednesday - P90x *exact workouts TBA
Thursday - P90x
Friday - P90x
Saturday - P90x
Sunday - P90x

Meal Plan:
Monday - "Must-goes" (everything in my fridge must-go!)
Tuesday - Homemade Spaghetti & Meatballs
Wednesday - Sante Fe Crock-pot Chicken over Brown Rice
Thursday - Taco night!
Friday - Tuna Casserole, roasted Brussel Sprouts
Saturday - Yogurt Chicken over Whole Wheat Couscous
Sunday - Pork Chops, Trader Joe's Harvest Grain Blend, Mixed Sauteed Greens

I am very excited about tomorrow's Mamavation TV guest. I was so pleased to have been a test cook for one of last year's vegetarian menu plans. I was able to cook and send in my comments and any typos with the menu. I really love cooking in a big batch and then having healthy, "fast food" available in my chest freezer. You might want to look around and give it a try if you haven't already. My favorite part is the month's menu is all laid out for a single day. It gives info on when to start one project, when to prep, etc. I just love how it frees up time for the rest of the month.

I often cook ahead. Even when I don't have time to create an entire month of meals, I always try to cook a larger than needed batch of pasta sauce, or gnocchi or falafel. I also love to make a huge batch of soup and freeze half of it right away. Some days are busy or I just don't want to cook and batch cooking allows me the option to just reheat and serve.

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Handi-Foil.

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Handi-Foil and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway.


  1. I'm excited for this wks guest too! I hope you enjoy p90x I've been doing Brazil butt lift & love it, but I can't imagine p90x, lol. I know you'll do great.
    Good job sticking to your plan mostly and making this holiday the best it can be for your kids & family.

  2. Your Easter sounds wonderful. How could people not include your kids? sheesh.

    I'm looking forward to tonight's guest, too. making healthy food every night can be a challenge for me, and it will be so much easier if I get it all done in a day! Then there is never an excuse, is there? :)
    I'm on awe of your PX90. Can't wait to hear how you do!

  3. I loaded up my freezer before Mr. O's arrival with freezer foods and it has been the bestest! Convenience food that is healthy and tasty. It doesn't get much better than that. I've had one or two prepared meals waiting for me for 2 months now and it is such a nice break during the week and gets us out of the drive thru mentality. Healthy and saves us lots of money!

    I can't wait to hear your thoughts on P90X. Just a warning that you will probably get sick after a week or two of doing it. I know I sure did! But stick with it at your own pace and you'll love it! I can't wait to give it another go!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I am not up to the level you were when you gals did P90x, but I am going to try to push myself. Yeah, bring on the sickies...I'm ready. Lol. ...I hope.

  4. That's awesome you got to be a test cook for her!! I can't wait to hear about the P90x, have a great week!!

  5. P90x is hardcore! I can't wait to see your progress. It is a shame that they couldn't include your kids, glad to hear that you enjoyed Easter your own way. MMM your meal plans always sound so yummy!!!

  6. Yay for having a great Easter! I'm sure it did your heart good to see them enjoy the yummy food that was lovingly prepared for them. And I had a dream that we were talking about p90x, a real live conversation. So crazy! Have a great week!

  7. Great meal plan. I've heard so much about p90x, can't wait to hear how you like it.

  8. I love your meal planning. I'm gonna need your help when the baby comes with all that life is gonna get CRAZY YO! XXOO

  9. Your meal plan sounds so yummy!! Excited you go P90x.. Let me know how that goes. Been wanting to try it for sometime now.
    Have a great week.

  10. Wow! You seem to be so organized with your meal plans and workouts. I wish that I could get that organized. I have my workouts down but have to get in the right frame of mind for planning meals for my family. Thanks for the motivation! Hope you are having a great week!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!