Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Family's Game Day Challenge - #OdwallaCFK

Outdoor play, sports and being active are important for all of us but I feel they are an essential part of childhood. So I am honored to be a part of the Champion for Kids Odwalla 'Game Day Challenge!' - bringing sports equipment to our community.

With my shoppers we went out in search of sports equipment and outdoor play items to get kids in our community moving and active this Summer. This SIMPLE Service project would be perfect for any community center, camp or activity group aimed at children. I chose our local Head Start because the children are a similar age to mine. Look for the #OdwallaCFK hashtag on blog posts or twitter for others joining in on the fun.

I hoped to get items like balls, bubbles and hula hoops. None of these items are expensive and all are a great way to get kids active. I still want to collect a few more items, but our Walmart shopping trip was a great start.

I love the selection of large balls and the colorful hula hoops and toys. Keeping my children in mind, I found items my husband and I knew they would enjoy. My oldest is showing an interest in more organized sports like soccer and Tee-ball. So we found a few items for that.

Of course kids who play hard get thirsty! I love Odwalla juices and used to buy more of it. I enjoy the ingredients and the flavor. The Original Superfood is my all-time favorite. I grabbed an assortment of juices though to share. Our Walmart is still under construction so finding everything took a little longer than expected. I can't wait till the expansion is completed and our grocery section will include more cold and fresh items.

After our Walmart trip and going through our home we made quiet a pile of items. I can already imagine the kids outside playing with them.

You might have noticed the "I Am One of Millions" badge on my sidebar. You can be one too and give back to the kids in your community. Find out how you can get involved at the Champions for Kids website, connect with them on Facebook or Twitter. You can also see our whole shopping experience in our Google+ album.

*Disclaimer - I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for  Collective Bias™.   #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions are my own.


  1. Awesome, those kids in your community are going to love the toys!!

  2. So awesome Andrea with the tee ball set and so much more that you are donating to your local Head Start as a part of Odwalla's Game Day Challenge!! You are truly ONE of MILLIONS!! Thank you for telling others how they too can be a Champion for Kids!!

  3. Aww! You are going to make some children very, very happy!

  4. Bubbles! I should have thought of that. I am picking up a few more items for our pile, and I am definitely adding bubbles to the list. :) Looks great and can't wait to see your next post!


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