Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project 365 - Your Daily Farm Photo

Our chicken yard hasn't been so busy lately.

After a week-long issue with a fox, and more recently some spilled rat bait, I am down to 4 laying hens. In a last minute struggle to find local chicks to bring my coop back, I only found bantam chicks. Not really the large eggs I was hoping for!

I decided to take the plunge and order chicks. I am so nervous about how they will do along their journey. My fingers are crossed though, and I hope to have a late season chick update to share in about a week.

Until then here is one of my favorite Barred Rocks.
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1 comment:

  1. We've ordered chicks & turkey poults through the mail. Out of 45, we only lost 1. They fare remarkably well in the mail- I was surprised!


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