Friday, July 13, 2012

Let's Be Honest Contest with Purex Triple Action #Giveaway

I have a confession.

Okay, I am probably not alone but I have several things I keep to myself. Like, my absolute loathing for cleaning the bathroom, the fact I hit "fluff" on the dryer several times a day because I forget to take them out and I keep all the change from laundry days.

Since we are being honest, It seems appropriate to share the Let's Be Honest Campaign from Purex.

Catch a whole array of "honest" video clips sure to bring a smile to your face. From bathroom cleaning to skinny jeans they could just insert some much needed humor into a busy day. What is your favorite video on the site?

While there see how you can win Free Purex for a year

As a Purex Insider I want to share some Purex magic with my readers. I have 4 coupons to give away to 4 lucky readers for Purex Triple Action Detergent. Now, who wouldn't love a detergent coupon?

Enter with the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway ends 8/1. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. i use this and could all way have extra for stuff aourn here for summer

  2. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway! :)

  3. Thanks for the chance!

    Rafflecopter name: Mary Happymommy

  4. I'm an email subscriber (reducefootprints at gmail dot com). Thank you for this chance!

  5. email sub


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