Monday, July 30, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - Hold Me!

Furious preparations are underfoot....

As I get set to post this my Mom is coming to stay for the week. No big deal? I think everyone has a unique relationship with their parents. Whether you fear, love or dread their visits ... they take us back in time. No longer will I be the queen of the roost, my Mom will be here.

At dinner my son mentioned that my Mom should try something I made. We have rules in the house to try a bite of everything on our plate before being excused, so my son was confused when I said she might not want to try it. My son was bewildered. I could see his mind racing. Unfortunately I think he picked up on the fact someone in the house wouldn't have to listen to me! Ugh...

In reality I am not sure how much will get done around here. I look forward to spending time with her and doing some fun craft projects with the kids. I will be trying to fit in the daily walks but it will be impossible to get my late-night treadmill time.

I plan to concentrate on what I can control... our meals! So, here is my meal plan for the week:

Mon - Taco Salad - meatless Monday with kidney beans and loads of veggies!
Tue - Smoked Pork Loin, BBQ potato salad, light slaw
Wed - Shredded Chicken with Peanut Sauce over a bed of zucchini, summer squash & carrot "noodles"
Thur - Chicken salad in a cantaloupe bowl
Fri - Eat Out!
Sat - Farm Fresh Dinner (whatever comes out of my garden or out of the field)

This past week I spent more time cleaning than exercising. That should have been healthy, but I also wasn't sleeping well. It is a bad combination. I feel rather puffy and can't wait to get back on track after my Mom leaves.

I hope everyone has a great week and stays motivated!

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Unreal Candy and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway. All opinions are my own.



  1. Your meals look yummy!!!! Enjoy your visit with your mom - I just got to spend a few days with mine and I enjoyed it :)

  2. I hope you are able to enjoy your time with your mom! Your dinner plan sounds amazing, as always!

  3. your food sounds so goos - as usual. And I hope you have a healthier week. GET SoME SLEEP, WOULD YA?

  4. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom and thr time we have when she comes to visit us. Hope things run smooth and you enjoy the moments.

  5. I'm going to have to get some recipes from you!! And breathe -- have fun while your mom is visiting! :)

  6. Ooo, all those meals sound great! I keep wanting to try veggie noodles but I have to find the tool to do it.

    Def get some sleep and FYI housework totally counts as a work out!

  7. I love your menu, it sounds so delish! I totally hear you about having Mom stay for a visit. As much as I love mine, it is rather stressful to have her here. Good luck!


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