A big thanks to DisneyBaby for sponsoring this post and the Disney Baby “Little Character” Contest.
As soon as my son took to solid foods, he wanted to do it all himself. Of, course that meant more ended up on him than in his tummy!
Our camera was busy catching as many of his messiest moments as we could. This is one of my favorites because he seems so surprised to caught in his sticky plum-applesauce mess. Okay, it wasn't quite as cute as I was washing baby food off of everything, but these moments pass by so quickly. This one will remain magical in my memories, forever.
Disney Baby wants to celebrate the little characters in our lives and is currently running the "Little Character" contest. They put out a call for photos of little Happys, Sleepys, Grumpys, ...or Messys (like mine!) in moments that sum up our baby's personality. The winner has a chance to win $10,000 toward their baby’s education, plus much more.
Entries are in, and they are adorable!
Now, is your chance to vote. From June 28th through July 19th, America has a chance to vote on the Grand Prize winner out of five finalists. Cast your vote on the Disney Baby site.
Voters can WIN, too!
Get your vote in and you could win a beach vacation at Fairmont Miramar Hotel &; Bungalows! Vote for your favorite and vote daily to increase your chances to enjoy a little fun in the sun with with your own cast of characters. Head over to the site for more prizing information.
Remember, vote and vote daily. Good luck!
*Disclaimer - All opinions are my own. This post sponsored by DisneyBaby.

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