I share photos on Facebook, my blog and even occasionally on twitter. The problem is, not all pictures are okay to share publicly with the world.
For example, when my daughter was just over 1-year old she was wearing nothing but a cloth diaper and put on my hat, sunglasses and Ugg Boots. She was adorable! It was a moment I grabbed the camera and captured, but not one I wanted posted to the internet. This, I felt, was only appropriate for family and close friends. Posting pictures online makes them available to... well, anyone!
That is where outmywindowTM comes to the rescue.
outmywindowTM allows users to create and manage their own groups and pick and choose who can see their photos. Use it on the web or as an app (currently for IOS), it is great for Moms who want to protect their children from very public social sites. Now I can share my cute pic with confidence and know that her cloth diaper covered bum is only being shared with the eyes I approve.
So, what do you think? What groups would you set up?
Check out the outmywindowTM App on iTunes http://bit.ly/Mx96k6.
*Disclaimer - I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.' All opinions are my own.

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