It is hard for me to remember time before my cell, even though while I was in college not everyone had a cell phone. Now I am faced with purchasing a new phone, comparing features and even thinking about when my kids will have their first phones. (Ahhhh!!!)
Though most days I take for granted being constantly available, when I lose coverage, it is a painful reminder of how lost I am without my phone and the internet. I live in a rural area. Gone are the days of speeding around Tokyo on trains and having cell coverage - anywhere! No, out here where the grape vines and corn stalks outnumber people I am at the mercy of my mobile phone service.
Have you ever blankly starred at your phone hoping to get a glimpse of an available bar or two? I have. Of course checking your provider's service area is handy unless you have to move or are in the middle of a contract. Ugh. Or, in my case the providers graphics don't always cover in reality what they do on paper.
Or what about the time spent trying to get help in a wireless provider's store? My husband and I have put off getting new phones because it is always an ordeal. With bored toddlers in tow we wait... and wait... and maybe after spending half a day waiting we will find out if we can get the phones we want or the help we need.
The cell phones might make my life more convenient, but the service? Well, I try to put off dealing with it unless I really have to.
If you share my frustration I'd like to introduce you to Hello Better
U.S. Cellular wants to encourage people not to put up with it anymore. If you are unhappy with your wireless relationships, then say hello to a better experience. Goodbye neglect, hello respect. Oh, and I am not alone... just check out the infographic for other Pacific Northwest residents:
Here are some things to think about:
- A study conducted by U.S. Cellular indicates that 43 percent of individuals are in the ‘seven year itch’ phase with their wireless provider, noting they are comfortable but suspect they are missing out on something better.
- Out of the 1,208 participants polled across four regions of the country, 56 percent of the respondents admitted to being unhappy with their carrier over the past year but only 35 percent of all respondents have ever broken up with their provider.
- In spite of this overall dissatisfaction, respondents are hesitant to call it quits. More than one-third of respondents say they stick with their current provider because they believe all carriers are the same, it is too much trouble to switch carriers, or they don’t want to sign a new contract.
So what is U.S. Cellular bringing to the table?
In addition to passionate associates, U.S. Cellular provides customers with unique benefits such as the industry’s only points-based rewards program, no contract after the first contract ends, free incoming calls and texts, free Overage Protection and free Battery Swap for your device.
We deserve better, don't we? Our mobile phones should make like easier, but so should our wireless carrier relationship. U.S. Cellular looks to treat their customers like neighbors, not just numbers. Test your knowledge in the survey below:
For more information check out U.S. Cellular Plans and Rewards for yourself.
*Disclaimer - I participated in this sponsored post campaign as a member of One2One Network. All opinions stated are my own. My experiences may vary from yours.
