When you wake up in the morning are you excited to face a new day? Do you start with regrets or reservations?
My goal this year was to strive to make healthier choices for myself and my family. That could have been an overwhelming goal. A whole year, so many unknowns to face and situations I hadn't imagined would happen, it might seem impossible. Instead I am concentrating in living my best life by being present.
Now, this is a big a vague concept. Presence. I want to be present in every moment, choice and action that I do. I want to be present enough to savor the food I eat and cherish each giggle that escapes my children's mouths.
Since becoming a parent I have faced unimaginable things from sleepless nights with a crying infant, to sleepless nights with a sick and weak toddler to the worry over a medical diagnosis that not only changed how we ate, but how I raise my children. I felt like a small boat drifting from one crisis or joy to the next. I like to call it "Mommy fog". the alarm would ring and my day began. Each day was like the last and each night I wished I could break out of my rut. Get more accomplished and feel better about my day.
I can't say it is easy. I was holding myself back. I was staying up later to accomplish more, only to be twice as tired the following day. It was a cycle hard to break.
Slowly, I am trying this idea of presence.
I am forcing myself to slow down enough to make choices that are best for me, not just convenient. I have simplified our food enough that we eat more things raw or simply steamed or dressed. I can taste the food and savor every bite. Since I prepare the food for the whole family I know my children and husband are eating better as well. Each week I try new recipes with foods in season. Being present also means appreciating what is available around you.
Being present in my day means taking the time to enjoy the wonders of being a 5 or 3-year old through my children's eyes. Whether we sprint between telephone poles on our walk, or stop to pick blackberries, there is no autopilot anymore. Every choice is made to be enjoyed and remembered. Silly is in and not keeping a flexible schedule is out.
The hardest part of this is giving up control. The dishes are not always clean, the beds go unmade on occasion, but we are embracing Carpe Diem! Life is meant to be grabbed and thoroughly enjoyed. This is how I am striving each day for my best life. How are you striving for yours?
Clorox is sponsoring the O You!, The Oprah Magazine event in Los Angeles. This full-day event is going to bring together Oprah Magazine readers with the magazine's brightest stars, such as Gayle King, Suze Orman, Martha Beck, Peter Walsh and more, for a truly memorable day of learning, inspiration and fun! October 20, 2012, O will take over the Los Angeles Convention Center at L.A. Live, located in downtown Los Angeles and there is currently a sweepstakes going on the Clorox Lounge giving you a chance to get in on the fun. And by fun I mean playing one of their great games!
Enter to help strive for you best life with the help of O You! or win one of 10 Kindle Fires.
*Disclaimer - I was compensated for writing this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and The Clorox Lounge blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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