Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday Food Frenzy (3/1) Come Link Up Your Recipes

Happy March everyone!  Winter seems to be going fast and Daylight Savings Time will be here before we know it.  This month is full of some fun food holidays: Passover, St. Patrick's Day and Easter.  What holiday recipes will you be making in March? Any family favorites you pull out year after year? 

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your great recipes and grabbing some ideas along the way, too.

Close to Home ,Mostly Food and Crafts and  Adventures in All Things Food. welcome you to come share your recipes and browse others for some great cooking ideas at home.  How many times do you hear "What's for dinner?", surprise them with a new dish you found on Friday Food Frenzy.  There are no restrictions on this linky, just love for you to link up a tried and true recipe of your choice. 

Each week we will feature one recipe so be sure and come back and click on your favorite recipe. This recipe will also be pinned on our Friday Food Frenzy Pinterest Board. Of course we would love love love it, if you followed our blogs and be sure to tell all your friends to stop by too.   Please visit the three recipes in the linky that are listed as HOST.  We really appreciate your visit.

THIS WEEKS FEATURED RECIPE is Irish Oat Cakes by Ellen of Confessions of an Overworked Mom.  What a great St. Patrick's Day recipe. It seems simple but delicious. Ellen has some great articles and recipes on her blog so check it out.

Feel free to grab a button to link up your post as well so others can join in the fun too!

Adventures In All Things FoodMostlty Food and Crafts


1 comment:

I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!