Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simplifying my Kitchen with Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil - Our Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Land O Lakes recipe

Do brussels sprouts make you smile?

They do my 5-year old. This year I am trying to cook more and simplify both our lives and eating habits. My husband is really good about reading product labels, better than I am, but even I know that less is more when it comes to our food.

How many ingredients are listed on the back of your favorite butter or spread? Now, in a perfect world I would make my own, but I have two kids and another on the way! Yes, I could just say "nobody ain't got time for dat!" We all know everything tastes better with butter, (yay fats!) and simple veggies like brussels sprouts are no exception. So products like Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil are an easy choice for my family.

Land O Lakes

Currently in my fridge? Well, There is also a tub of Land O Lakes Honey Butter Spread for biscuits and homemade bran muffins. My husband flips for this stuff and I like to keep him happy.

Land O Lakes + vegetables.

But, back to the Butter with Canola Oil... and those 3 simple ingredients.

Yes, we tried replacements, we tried faux stuff, but it didn't fit our needs or tastes. I didn't want a long list of un-readable ingredients and preservatives.

We grow a large variety of cole crop (or Cruciferae) here on the farm. One of my favorites just happens to be the modest little brussels sprout. I know it has a big reputation. I don't always think it is deserved.

As a child, I remember smelling them boiled or steamed. Yuck. Who likes a wilted or soggy veggie?

Now my husband picks and sells them fresh in the market. Believe it or not, cole crops are rather sweet when freshly cut and they turn bitter as they sit and age. Throw them on a baking sheet and roast them to really bring out the sweet caramelized flavors in them. You might be surprised they taste like vegetable candy.

I prepare mine simply. Just a little melted Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil and a sprinkle of kosher salt. Put them on a single layer on a baking tray, crank up the heat to 450 degrees and let them go for about 8-10 minutes. Turn them and continue roasting for another 5-8 minutes until they reach the desired golden brown color. I enjoy mine a little crunchy on the outside, but cooked through.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

You Will Need:

  • 1 bag brussels sprouts, rinsed and halved fresh - or about 3 cups 
  • 2 Tbsp. Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil, melted
  • kosher salt, as needed
  • zest of half a lemon
  • 1/4 lemon, squeezed and drizzled over the top
  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Toss the brussels sprouts with the melted butter and kosher salt in a large bowl. Make sure all the vegetables are coated lightly. Place in a single layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment. 
  3. Roast for 8-10 minutes. Check them at 8 minutes for a good golden brown color on the underside.. Turn with a spatula and continue roasting for another 5-8 minutes. Watch them carefully so they don't burn.
  4. Remove from the oven and toss with lemon zest and squeeze the lemon over the top. Serve immediately.
  5. Enjoy!

*Disclaimer - I received product samples and a gift package from Land OLakes, including multi-purpose spreaders, a cutting board, and multi-tier oven rack for Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil, for recipe development and review purposes. All opinions and experiences are my own.


  1. We love Brussels sprouts, they are so delicious. I have yet to try them with some lemon included, but it sounds yummy.

  2. I love roasted brussel sprouts! Even steamed with butter and salt is good.

    I'm a huge fan of real butter and always want to try a healthier version but it always ends up tasting like vegetable oil.

  3. That's how I make mine, and they are soooo good!

  4. I've never tried them in my life, but dang you have me wondering why now. Those look so yummy!

  5. I used to hate brussel sprouts but after I was offering them to my children, my own mother made me try them! To my surprise, I actually like them!!

  6. I haven't had brussel sprouts since I was a kid and I hated them then but I've been intrigued by them lately and your recipe looks so good I just might give them a try again.

  7. I love roasted sprouts! My kids actually love them, too. Every once in a while, I like to add bacon to the mix. Not as healthy, but it's fun for holidays.

  8. My husband loves brussel sprouts - I may have to try and make them for him! Love all your pretty pictures too

  9. I have never roasted brussel sprouts. These look delicious. Thanks for sharing.
    Stopping by from Friday Food Frenzy!

  10. I have not had roasted brussel sprouts. My mom use to just boil them and then add butter. I will have to try this way. Oh and this is out go to butter!

  11. My mom loves brussel sprouts, I'll share this with her!

  12. I'm not a fan of brussel sprouts my self but a friend of mine eats them all the time. She love this recipe.

  13. I love Brussels Sprouts too. I did not know that about the bitterness coming from the cut vegetables sitting around. In the store near me they sometimes sell a whole stalk that cut them off of. Surely this must be why. I'm resolved now not to be intimidated and buy that next time I see it.

  14. Looks like a great way to add flavor to brussel sprouts. I pinned for future reference.


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