Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Great Gender Question

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.

I think this English nursery rhyme from 1820 pretty much sums it up. People have very different view of the genders. So when it comes to an expectant mom, everyone wants to know, "What are you having?"

Mention it's a boy and you get tails of messy and crazy antics. Mention it's a girl and everyone coo's over frilly dresses and hair ribbons. But either way, a baby bump means folks are going to ask. Because everyone wants to know.

I am expecting baby #3 in June and I still remember the long and painful wait to find out the gender of our first child. My husband didn't want to know. Unfortunately, I love to plan ahead and not only wanted a name for my baby before birth but I wanted to buy specific items in either blue or purple. I was so excited... until I received the shocking news. I was going to have a boy!

Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled that my baby was healthy and strong, but I was terrified. What did I know about little boys? Okay, other than the nursery rhyme. My mind went straight to a worst case scenario. I thought about a filthy bathroom, stinky socks, crude little boy jokes and exhibitionism. 

When my son was born I was overwhelmed with learning how to be a mom and taking care of my little one. I loved him dearly, but looking back I was too tired and unsure of myself to just enjoy those moments with my new son. 

When my daughter was born I was much calmer and secure in my skills as a mom. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I don't second guess myself anymore. I savored those little moments with her. The early morning feedings when the house was quiet and I could sing to her and savor those tiny little toes and fingers.

Now that she is older, I know for a fact she is not all sugar and spice. She can throw a tantrum like no other and her screams of 3-year old frustration are ear piercing. But, neither is my son all "slugs and snails". It is funny how gender stereotypes are. Going into my second ultrasound yesterday I heard one thing over and over, "Are you hoping for another girl?"

My husband and I had had this discussion many times since we found out we were expecting. I feel blessed to have one of each and it didn't matter anymore. Neither of my children fit a gender mold. They both are amazing and have their own sweet moments with the sour. True, my daughter favors dress-up and dolls while my son is happiest with his construction equipment and LEGOs, but I know I have nothing to fear from raising either gender.

So, what am having?

Yes, we are going to be blessed with another baby boy in June! I am so excited for a chance to do it all over again without the fear or uncertainties of being a new Mom. I am going to savor every moment with this little guy and share all the amazing moments with his older siblings.

Did you have any gender-based worries when you were pregnant? Do you think the 19th century nursery rhyme is accurate? I would love to hear your thoughts.



  1. Congratulations! Love the 19th century nursery rhyme

  2. Congratulations! I never found out with either of my boys; green and yellow were my best friends for nursery planning! Lol There's just no greater surprise in life than that moment just after birth when the doctor picks up that precious child and tells you, "It's a boy!"

  3. Congratulations!! Every child is different and should not be stuck into a stereotype--but you gotta admit--that nursery rhyme is cute and unforgettable!

  4. I only found out with 2 of my 4 boys what gender we were expecting. I loved the surprise factor with the other one, though.

  5. Congratulations! My 2 boys are total opposites so boys aren't all the same. My girl is totally different from the boys. Every one of my children is so unique in their own way but boys are definitely more rambunctious :) I personally wanted a boy first and a boy second and a girl third so I got exactly what I wanted. I didn't have any gender worries or anything.

  6. How wonderful for you to finally experience a boy! You are going to love it. Believe me, for I know first hand what it was like to have a boy after having three girls in a row. About the only thing you really have to look out for is when you are changing a diaper--always keep something covered or you may get wet! Ha! Here's hoping for a very quick and smooth delivery!

  7. Congratulations! I found out with 5 of mine, but decided to let it be a surprise for the next to last one.

  8. CONGRATS!! My husband comes from a family of boys, with boy cousins and uncles and very few females in his family history. Everyone said we would have boys, and I was so sure we would have a house full of boys too. We had our first which was a girl....and 3 years later, another girl. Shocked my socks off!

  9. Congrats, there is something quite special about that #3=) I feel like my baby #3 got the best me the one who knew what she was doing , and the one who knows to enjoy every second because it flies by so quickly. Not that the other 2 got a bad version he just got the improved =)

    1. I completely agree! Confidence and savoring each moment goes a long way. :)

  10. CONGRATS! We didn't find out with baby #1 (boy), but we did find out with baby #2 (girl)!

  11. Congrats on the newest addition to your family!

  12. Yay!!! Congratulations! I'm glad to hear you are excited! We found out with both of ours but if I was to have a third I'd want the gender to be a surprise.

  13. Congrats so happy for you guys!!! I am sure he will be a precious little bundle of joy!!!

  14. Congratulations on another boy! I won't find out the sex for any of my babies just to irritate everyone on the planet. I don't understand why people get so upset when you won't find out the sex of the baby. :)

  15. Congrats on the boy! I have two girls and I have to say I always wonder what it is like to have a boy. And I don't agree with the nursery rhyme. Sometimes my girls are all sugar and spice then at other times they are all spice and sass.


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