Saturday, April 20, 2013

Calling All Foodies! Win An All-Expense Paid Trip to BlogHer Food ’13

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pompeian for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I read labels, try to select the freshest produce and healthiest foods for my family. If I am going to take the time to prepare something, I want to use the best. But what about the oil I use?

If your cooking is still "old school", you may need a little oil tune-up! Ready for a little kitchen oil change? Take a look at Pompeian grapeseed oil.

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I have switched a lot of my home cooking oil to olive oil already, but another Mediterranean chef secret is the lesser know grapeseed oil. With a light taste and high smoke point, grapeseed oil is a great choice for the home cook.  Pompeian wants to spread the word and is celebrating with  Pompeian’s Time to Change Your Oil Facebook contest.

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If you love food, you don't want to miss this contest. Pompeian has teamed up with Hungry Girl, Lisa Lillien, to award a lucky blogger an all-expense paid trip to BlogHer Food '13 in Austin, TX June 7-8. Your recipe will also be featured during the event. Who wouldn't want that kind of exposure for their creation? The winning recipe will swap out butter or cooking oil for Pompeian's Grapeseed Oil or OlivExtra Premium Mediterranean Blend. Just for entering Pompeian will send you a voucher for one free bottle of Pompeian oil!

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So start cooking and enter that link on the Pompeian and Hungry Girl Sweepstakes on the Pompeian’s Time to Change Your Oil App on their Pompeian Olive Oil Facebook page . Be sure to spread the word. Good news shouldn't be kept a secret.

What recipe would you makeover? Don't those Smoky Fried Chickpeas above look good?  Let me know what you plan to make and when you post so I can leave you some comment love.

Good luck!

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  1. Awesome! I've wanted to go to this event. Guess I need to think of something.

  2. Good luck to all entering! What a great contest!

  3. I LONG FOR I love me some AUSTIN :-)

  4. Wouldn't that be something to win?!!!!

  5. I cook with olive oil, but have never tried grapeseed oil yet. TY for the info on the contest.

  6. Thanks for the contest info!! That would be amazing to win!!

  7. Thanks for the info! A trip to Austin would be awesome!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!